Age of Cosmic Exploration

Chapter 339: Genesis!

In chaos darkness, there was an egg. One day, the egg hatched, birthing a giant. He saw the chaos darkness and split it into two. The pure would rise and the corrupted would fall. The chaos that the giant stepped on became Earth and his arms that rose became the sky. The giant grew ten feet every day, the sky expanded by ten feet every day, and the ground grew thicker by ten feet every day. 18,000 years later, they became the sky and the ground. This was... the eastern myth, the Pangu creation myth.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.... The bible, Genesis 1.

"Do you see the similarities?" ZERO asked Xiao Niao.

Xiao Niao studied it for a long time before answering, "They both talk about an omnipotent being creating the world... Wait, both of them seem to mention the same thing, the world or light was created out of chaos and darkness. Is that right?"

ZERO answered, "Indeed. This is the biggest secret within the cosmos. The birth of the cosmos, or rather the origin of material and soul, came from... the so-called emptiness, darkness, and chaos. In other words, the cosmos."

For some reasons, Xiao Niao who was rushing deep underground, suddenly remembered this conversation with ZERO. But it disappeared as suddenly as it appeared.

At the same time, in space, everyone looked at the giant planet in shock. Its surface had completely become flesh, becoming a giant, flesh planet that looked like a heart or an egg. Even the naked eye could see it vibrating.

Initially, everyone thought this was the result of demonization, but when the indescribably large meat claw came out of this planet, everyone had another realization... this was true result of demonization, a giant, planet-like lifeform!

"Even so, this kind of lifeform can’t be called the greediest race in space." Yao Yuan’s face was drawn. However, he was, to a certain degree, collected. At that moment, anyone would lose their cool, but not him. If he did, then the rescue mission would truly be over. Speaking of which, Guang Zhen’s troop was still suffering an unknown fate.

Ren Tao beside him commented as his face shifted as he observed the claw on the planet’s surface, "Indeed. It is not like we have not heard of a planet-sized lifeform before. For example, a large zerg race colony, according to the information provided by the space merchants and Blue 6, can grow to the size of two normal planets, so size alone means nothing. Level 2 space civilizations already have weapons that can directly damage a planet, so big size is not that powerful... What I am worried about is the range of demonization."

"Range of demonization?" Yao Yuan turned to look at him.

Ren Tao nodded and said, "We have seen this earlier. The range started around this planet, going from near to far, increasing in effect. We have no way to gauge the area covered by this range... Actually, that is not true, we know we cannot use the creator’s particle within this range, so this could be used as a detection method. Therefore, until now, we have no idea how big this demonization range is. What if... and I’m talking about if, this demonization range doesn’t stop growing? Eventually, the whole solar system will be demonized. Is that not the work of the greediest race in the cosmos?"

Yao Yuan did not understand where Ren Tao was going with this initially, but he shivered uncontrollably when the latter came to his conclusion. He said, "That sounds impossible. The demonization was caused by a small planet influencing the whole solar system? That is just..."

"Impossible?" Ren Tao scoffed. "Speaking of impossible, what do you think about this situation that is unfolding before us? What kind of mechanism created this series of demonizations? What kind of virus, radiation, or super technology has created these monsters and this planet-like lifeform? All of these are impossibilities, so tell me, what kind of things are impossible?"

Yao Yuan was rendered speechless. He looked at the claw that was struggling on the planet’s surface silently before laying his eyes on the life-preserving planet just beneath the Hope. He gritted his teeth and ordered, "Make sure the combat unit is ready. The Hope’s third deck better be prepared. Rescind the artilleries on the side and activate the propulsion system... Start activating the Genesis!"

At the same time, underneath the life-preserving planet, the landing unit had gone through the blockage built by the layers of "humans". The sounds of bullets lodging into flesh sounded non-stop along the way. Before them was a manmade underground tunnel, and several heavy artillery were left by the tunnel’s entrance. Deeper into the tunnel, one could see the chaotic shadows of human beings, and outside of the tunnel were bodies that littered the ground. They were body parts of the possessed human dolls.

The humans inside the tunnel were in despair. This was because other than the alien octopuses and controlled humans blocking the entrance of the tunnel, the end of the tunnel had collapsed. They were trapped with no chance to hide or escape.

Not only that, the normal humans inside the tunnel started to rampage. It seemed like several hundred people were turning into monsters, and this chaos started to affect the soldiers who were defending them.

Under such dire circumstances, about 10 three-meter-tall, dark-colored robots appeared. Their appearance was even more shocking than the monsters. No one knew where these robots came from; were they more aliens? Even so, the damage they showcased was intense. They steamrolled over the controlled humans and alien octopuses. Their weapons were so advanced that they could not see their bullet trajectories. After a minute or two, the tunnel was covered with guts and blood. The swords that looked like saws were insane as well. No matter what stood before them, it would be cut in two with a single slash, be it stone or metal.

And now the robots were storming into the tunnel. The hearts of the soldiers inside the tunnel were chilled. At the same time, the rifles started firing, all of them aimed at the robots, but the results only made things worse. This was because no matter how many of them fired, the bullets made not even a dent. The bullets were bounced back with a cling whenever they got closer. The robots ignored the hail of bullets and crushed the alien octopuses and controlled humans as they moved closer to the trapped humans.

Just as the soldiers were ready to kill themselves out of despair, suddenly, a human voice came out of the robot.

"Members from the Noah One, we are the rescue unit from the Noah Two. Please remain calm. I repeat, we are the rescue unit from the Noah Two. Everyone, please remain calm, we are here to rescue you!"

Everyone was stunned by this announcement. Those who had grenades ready in their hands stopped moving. However, most still did not believe this. This pause was out of common instinct. Every lifeform had the instinct for survival, even though they knew that the people on Noah Two would not have survived, much less come to save them.

Right then, a male voice started shouting, "You said you are the rescue unit from the Noah Two?! Since when did our human technology become so advanced? Stop kidding with us. Also, according to the plan, the Noah Two will arrive only after several decades. Who are you people? Do not come any closer, or we will blow up this place with all of us in it!"

The trooper who spoke earlier was Xiao Niao. He yelled back and said, "Hold your arms. I will have one of us open the armor to let you see clearly... Zhang Heng, sense the danger around you. When you sense that it is safe enough to open your helmet, do it to let them see whether we are really humans or not!"

Zhang Heng responded and started to feel his surroundings. The gunfire stopped, and several seconds later, Zhang Heng issued to his space armor the order to open his helmet. His helmet was pulled back to reveal his face. The soldiers in the tunnel immediately used their night vision googles to look their way, to study Zhang Heng’s face closely.

The few mysterious virus survivors among the military observed. "There is no sign of octopus infection. Yes, indeed, he is a human... But we can only see so much, we cannot see the body inside the spacesuit."

The person with the highest military ranking there was an African American major. He looked forward with some hesitation and heard the cries and roars coming from the down the tunnel. Several minutes earlier, Yun Si took a bunch of people deeper into the tunnel. God knows what had happened in there. They really... did not have time to waste.

"Let them come in... If they are hostile, they would have crushed us directly, just like those alien octopuses. Even though I still cannot believe they are people from the Noah Two... this is our only hope."

The African American yelled loudly to his men before turning to Xiao Niao and the rest, "I am Jacko, the major for the Noah One’s second military unit! I wish to converse with the commander of your military!"

"As you wish!"

A voice came from the human dolls. Soon, a large group of Black Star Troopers stormed into the space. The one leading them removed his space helmet. That person was Guang Zhen. He looked at the African American major and ordered, "The Hope’s Defense Unit commander and Black Star Trooper’s vice-captain, Wong Guang Zhen... I ask that your military listen to my orders. Now we will escort the civilians out into safety!"

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