Age of Cosmic Exploration

Chapter 467: Last Preparation and Song

Xi Kong was shocked beyond belief. This was her soul web, so why would there suddenly be two other voices in it? From the sound of the voices, one belonged to Bo Li and the other Yue Xuan...

At this time, Bo Li’s voice said, "Nian Xi Kong, both me and Xiu Yue Xuan are unconscious. We’ve entered your soul web, though I can’t explain how. Regardless, we don’t have time to waste. Help us gain contact with them. One is Yao Yuan, another one... can be Yang Yun Si. Quick."

Xi Kong didn’t dare to dawdle. She immediately sought out these two people. Of course, perhaps it was her heart talking, but the first person she found was Yao Yuan.

Yao Yuan was resting his eyes in the Red Lightning. Even though his heart was anxious, like he yearned for the killing, his constitution still enabled him to close his eyes to rest. At least he appeared silent on the surface. He tried his best to preserve his energy as the Red Lightning shot through space.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in his mind. This was the power of the Anima, he knew that much, but when he heard the voice, he was shocked.

"Listen clearly, Yao Yuan. I’m currently communicating with you through Xi Kong’s soul web. My physical body has collapsed, so this conversation can’t persist for long... This Red Lightning, I’ve updated it with a special control system, a system I call energy particle flux. The moment the system is activated, the exhaustion it has on your mind will increase by at least 100 times, so you have to think about this clearly, you only have one chance..."

Yao Yuan was anxious, but he tried to calm himself down. After a deep breath, he said, "Definitely! Tell me how. Behind us... is our home after all!"

"Okay, the activation method is..."

Several seconds later, Bo Li finished, but the soul web connection was still active. After one or two seconds of silence, Yao Yuan said, "End this communication, this is very heavy on the mind... Also, we will win, I’ll bring home the victory, so please rest well. Your... and everyone else’s hard work, I’ve felt it in my heart!"

"...Okay, don’t die. I’ll wait for you..."

After the communication ended, for some reason, Yao Yuan felt a wave of calm wash over him. He was startled for about 10 seconds before he laughed self-deprecatingly at his saccharine feeling...

"Following this speed, actually, the Red Lightning will only catch up to the tail of the enemy fleet. Only three hours left? Hopefully, this energy particle flux is as amazing as you said it is!"

Yao Yuan nudged his neck and mumbled to himself before chuckling. Then he yelled, "Activate special mode, password... THE BEST!"

Following that, the interior of the Steel Ball started to change. The most obvious was the light, changing from white to red. At the same time, a robotic voice said, "Password is a match, pilot is a match... Do you really wish to enter Steel Ball’s energy particle flux mode? After entry, the limitation of the system is six hours. After six hours, the Steel Ball will self-destruct from overdrive. At the same time, the strain on the pilot’s mental pressure will increase by 14,700 percent."

Yao Yuan took a deep breath and answered, "Enter energy particle flux mode!"

The whole Steel Ball was then surrounded by a red energy flux that was visible to the naked eye. It was like the Steel Ball was wrapped in a layer of liquid. Instantly, the Steel Ball started to shine like a burning energy ball. Its already fast speed increased. Even though the degree of acceleration wasn’t obvious, the Steel Ball had surpassed six times the speed of motherships the size of the Hope, and the speed was still increasing...

After Yao Yuan’s voice disappeared, Xi Kong immediately communicated with Yun Si. The moment the communication was established, Yue Xuan couldn’t wait to yell out, "Yang Yun Si, you’re still alive? You’re really still alive..."

Yun Si was currently surrounded by a group of AI spaceships. The sudden voice in his head caused his attention to wander and he almost got hit by a bullet. He immediately swerved his Space Combat Jet around and roared, "F*ck, are you cursing me? Careful, I’ll punch you out!"

"Yun Si, the prototype for the psychokinetic floating cannon is completed. I’m sorry, I had to reveal my identity to Xi Kong and the rest to get them to lend me their lab. Finally, the prototype is done, but since you won’t have time to rush back for us to attach it to your ship, thankfully, the Space Combat Jets come with their own external attachment system. Therefore, we will use signal carriers to send the parts to you. This is the only one psychokinetic floating cannon that is designed based around your Homo Evolutis skill. I’m sorry, there isn’t enough time to create more. Now, listen to me carefully, this is how you use it..."

Even though Yue Xuan had many things she wanted to get off her throat, Bo Li had given her an example earlier. So she removed the emotions out of her voice and only explained the important stuff to Yun Si. The reason she insisted that Yun Si use this cannon and not the stronger Yao Yuan was because... she and Yun Si had sinned, and this sin was not something that could be explained by reasons like fear, hesitation, and the sort. The conclusion was that they had sinned, and a big sin at that... She hoped Yun Si would be able to achieve a great result with this cannon to balance out his sin. This was her selfish desire and her biggest insistence.

Yun Si was startled. This conversation was too out of the blue for him. He knew about Anima, but he had no idea when Yue Xuan became an Anima, so he asked immediately, "What’s going on? Why can you suddenly talk in my head? Also, what is this psychokinetic floating cannon, how do I use it, how am I going to reach it... Hey, explain it clearly!"

However, the channel was already broken. No matter how hard he yelled, there was no reply. He gritted his teeth in anger. He swore that when he returned... he would definitely spank that Yue Xuan’s butt and make her apologize to him!

But... psychokinetic floating cannon, the weapon modelled using two chopsticks. Was it really as powerful as she said? If that was true... then it was truly a wonderful weapon!

After the communication ended, Xi Kong sensed that the two female voices had left her soul web. She felt heavy in her heart, but it wasn’t serious. It was akin to the heaviness one would feel after hours reading a book; it was manageable...

Then she also exited the soul web. Then she turned to inform the lab workers the instructions that she heard from Bo Li and Yue Xuan, to have them transport this thing after it was created... How Yun Si was going to receive it, perhaps it had to do with some kind of high level technology Yue Xuan designed. She was clueless about that.

When she explained everything, and as she walked to leave the lab, she suddenly noticed the expressions of these workers... they showed anxiety, sadness, anger, and depression...

(Perhaps I should do something?)

Xi Kong didn’t know why this idea would come into her mind, but in that moment, she felt responsible, like this was her duty...

Xi Kong returned to the soul web. She looked at the orbs of fire around her and the fireballs that blinked out in the cosmos as well as the sun that was rapidly approaching. Finally, she looked at her own fireball, and in that moment, started to sing...

"That blue planet, in this dark space, it is the brilliant jewel in space...

"That is our home, our family, that is Earth...

"We’ve left our home, we’re forced to escape, and death, loneliness, darkness surrounded our future...

"Warriors, and heroes, fearless on this path filled with brambles and sacrifice...

"Because behind you is our new motherland, our home..."

This was Xi Kong’s new song. It was a tune she released after humanity arrived at the New Solar System. It resonated greatly with the people and sat at the top of the charts for an impressive two years. When Xi Kong sang the song, it reached into everyone’s souls through the soul web. Instantly, everyone was silent. Even for those in combat, they listened to it while they fought. It didn’t take away from their focus; in fact, they felt comforted. The Homo Evolutis who were at the verge of collapse due to the strain they were under felt like a waterfall of cold water had just splashed over their soul. It took away their fatigue instantly, and this was not an illusion, they did feel refreshed in person!

This was the song of the soul!

The song travelled across the entire New Solar System. No matter where they were, everyone heard this song. For many, tears exited their eyes immediately. In the House of Representatives, the few representatives who proposed the space warp suddenly started to cry. They collapsed to the floor and started to wail like helpless babies...

"...We’re brave, we’re hardworking, and we’re kind...

"We’ll never stop, never give up for life...

"For victory and for hope...

"Will definitely be ours!"

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