The Glory After Rebirth

Chapter 462. Merry-Making in the Imperial Bathing Pool

Chapter 462. Merry-Making in the Imperial Bathing Pool

Translator: DragonRider

The fire of desire inside Yuwen Tong flared up at the sight of the warning look in Ling Zhang’s eyes which were glaring at him, but...he did have to fill his belly first so that he would have enough strength to make out later.

Thinking about this, Yuwen Tong exercised his self-restraint, sat down opposite Ling Zhang and offered him more food. “Okay, I’ll stop. Dig in.”

Ling Zhang cast him a skeptical glance. Yuwen Tong recovered himself so soon?

Before he could give it more thought, his attention was drawn to the food in front of him which was giving off tantalizing aroma. As he started eating, he got even more heedless of whether or not Yuwen Tong had really managed to dismiss his longing from his mind.

While Ling Zhang was engaged in eating dinner, Yuwen Tong flicked a glance at Yao Yi who was standing guard beside the door.

Yao Yi gave a little nod, quietly left the imperial bedchamber and instructed the eunuchs, “Go and prepare the Imperial Bathing Pool. His Majesty and His Highness are going there to bathe.”

Not daring to risk causing any delays, the eunuchs hurried to the Imperial Bathing Pool, got all bathroom ware ready and then hastened to prepare hot water. Before long, hot water flowed through an ingeniously designed pipe, out of a dragon-head-shaped faucet on the wall of the bathing pool and then into the pool, and warm vapor gradually pervaded the room.

After dinner, Ling Zhang softly kneaded his stomach. Having had his fill, he felt all over comfortable. He had just returned from outside the palace, and in such a cold weather, with the rain and the snow, people could feel their bones ache from the chill if they forgot to wear enough clothes before going outdoors. Fortunately for him, he had internal energy now, which was why this weather wasn’t being much of an ordeal for him.

“Such weather is very rare in Tanyang. We only have this kind of weather when the temperature is exceptionally low,” said Ling Zhang, looking at the fine snowflakes dancing amid the sheet of drizzle, recalling what his life had been like in Tanyang.

Yuwen Tong said, “It’s even colder further north. At the coldest time of the year, even the streets in Youzhou and Shengzhou are deserted all day long, not to mention those in the Wan Kingdom and the Luohai Kingdom. Everybody stays indoors, and every year there are people who freeze to death. This year the cold is fairly endurable, otherwise the situation in Cangzhou and Jiangzhou might be dire.”

Ling Zhang thought of the people of Cangzhou and Jiangzhou at these words. “Both food and clothing have been delivered there. Xu Lingyun and Xiao Ziyan went to Cangzhou in advance and made provisions, so things are going better there than they are in Jiangzhou. Although the General Zhongwu (AKA the General of Loyalty and Valor) is temporarily in charge in Jiangzhou, the people there still won’t have enough time and energy to rebuild their houses, what with the snow and the fact that the Jiangzhou rebel army has just been taken care of. There’s no telling how many of them would survive this winter with the food and clothing Haizhou provided them with.”

The mood in the room naturally grew serious as they switched to this topic. Since Yuwen Tong’s return from Jiangzhou, the restoration of order in Jiangzhou had been at the top of his agenda, followed by the matter of Mu Rongfeng. Both Yanzhou and Haizhou had spared some food supplies for Jiangzhou, doing their best to ensure the survival of those who had lost homes during the revolt or were suffering from food shortage. However, Jiangzhou was a large prefecture, and though Xiao Jiangyue had moved to Jiangzhou and was in charge on a provisional basis, helping with the placement of residents victimized by the rebel army, there was no way he could cover all the bases. On top of that, the soldiers under Xiao Jiangyue’s command needed food as well. They were stationed in Jiangzhou and money had to be delivered there to make sure they were fully paid on time.

All in all, some residents of Jiangzhou might not be able to make it through this winter.

The only part that could count as a comfort was that this year winter had come later than usual, and so had the first snow. Right now it was near the end of the year. Only when the Spring Festival and the winter was over would Jiangzhou have a chance for a fresh start.

Their talk about Jiangzhou, inevitably, lasted quite some time. Yuwen Tong suggested Ling Zhang stand up and walk around the imperial bedchamber, saying that it was bad for health to sit for long with a full belly.

“What I have in my stomach is my reserves of strength. If I start walking right now, the reserves would be depleted, and the dinner I ate would be for nothing.” Ling Zhang was somewhat reluctant at first. His full belly made him feel a little lazy and inclined to sit doing nothing.

Yuwen Tong reached out a hand and stroked Ling Zhang’s stomach and abdomen. “Why do I get the feeling you’re beginning to have love handles?”

Ling Zhang was instantly on the alert at these words. “Really?”

Yuwen Tong stroked his belly again, affecting an air of uncertainty. “There does seem to be some cellulite. Check for yourself if you don’t believe me.”

Ling Zhang hastened to check for himself. Maybe because Yuwen Tong’s words had given him some kind of preconceived idea, the more Ling Zhang stroked his own belly, the more convinced he was of the existence of his love handles. A sense of insecurity rose in him and, not daring sit there any longer, he started walking around and around the bedchamber with Yuwen Tong on his own initiative.

Yuwen Tong inwardly snickered. Ling Zhang always got up early to practice kung fu except when he overslept; also, his internal energy had been accumulating, so he was in pretty good shape. He’d even grown taller recently. There was no cellulite on his abdomen whatsoever. Ling Zhang’s stomach was bulging only because he had just had his fill of food. The reason why he’d suggested Ling Zhang have a walk was that he worried that Ling Zhang might suffer from dyspepsia. Also, they’d go to the Imperial Bathing Pool to “do exercise”, so it was best if they warmed up a bit in this room.

Believing that they’d walked long enough, Yuwen Tong draped a thick cloak which had a neckerchief made of fox fur at the top across Ling Zhang’s shoulders. After bundling Ling Zhang up, he took Ling Zhang’s hand and made towards the Imperial Bathing Pool.

When Yuwen Tong had fished out the cloak, Ling Zhang had come to know what Yuwen Tong was planning to do, what had happened before dinner coming floating out of his memory. He and Yuwen Tong had stared at each other for quite a while before he allowed Yuwen Tong to put that cloak on him.

At the sight of the lust that had reappeared in Yuwen Tong’s eyes, he knew there was no way he could escape going to the Imperial Bathing Pool. In court meetings this guy was always poker-faced, but when he was in the bedchamber, all he could think of was having sex. Ling Zhang wondered whether it had ever crossed Yuwen Tong’s mind that his reputation as the emperor would be ruined if word got out about this.

While progressing, Yuwen Tong was secretly amused by the sight of Ling Zhang curling his lip, as though he was thinking about something. “The water in the pool is pretty warm. Soaking in it will help rid you of the coldness that invaded your body during the journey. I also had them prepare some wine. We may have a drink or two after we get there.”

Ling Zhang slid him a sideways glance, knowing that all the “rid you of the coldness” and “have a drink or two” crap was nothing but excuses, that all Yuwen Tong wanted was sex!

Yuwen Tong gave a chuckle, leaned over and whispered beside his ear, “Exercise more often and your love handles will soon disappear.”

The corners of Ling Zhang’s mouth twitched. There were a lot of alternative exercises!

Holding Ling Zhang’s hand, Yuwen Tong lightly scratched his palm, playing around with Ling Zhang’s hand as though it were some kind of toy.

Though appearing reluctant, Ling Zhang was not really unwilling to go to the Imperial Bathing Pool with Yuwen Tong. When Yuwen Tong was proceeding shoulder to shoulder with him and ‘playing around with’ his palm, the warm neckerchief made of fox fur felt like the strongest sense of security Yuwen Tong had ever given him. It was so warm he wished this trip would last forever.

After arriving at the destination, Yuwen Tong unfastened the cloak for him, put it away, returned and then drew him into the inner chamber where the pool was.

“I had them make the bed for us in the bedroom next door. We may spend the night in this place after the bath. We’re not going back to the imperial bedchamber lest you catch cold on the way back,” said Yuwen Tong.

Ling Zhang lowered his head to unfasten his belt. Yuwen Tong stretched out a hand to help, but he was actually more of a hindrance, for all he was doing was lightly kneading Ling Zhang’s waist.

Feeling itchy from Yuwen Tong’s hand movements, Ling Zhang said while dodging, “Now that you’ve had it all planned out, I think we’ll just stay here for the night, but remember to have them come here to wait upon you tomorrow morning so that you won’t be late for the court meeting. And, don’t you go too far when we’re in the pool. Last time, after what you did, my throat was sore for several days. I’ve had enough of the medicine prescribed by the court physician... Hey, stop it! Are you listening to me?!”

Eventually Ling Zhang’s temper began to fray and he glowered at Yuwen Tong.

Yuwen Tong swept Ling Zhang into his embrace with his arm and kissed him. “I was a bit out of line the last time we were here. I promise I won’t do that again, and you won’t have to drink any more of the bitter, awful-tasting medicine prescribed by the court physician, okay?”

These words were followed by another kiss on Ling Zhang’s lips. Due to the vapor in the air, Ling Zhang’s brows and the corners of his eyes were covered in moisture, the sight of which made Yuwen Tong feel as though a fire instantly rose up inside him. His hand which had been fondling the small of Ling Zhang’s back started moving downwards and soon reached his perky, perfectly round keister...

Ling Zhang raised his head and Yuwen Tong nibbled at his lips. Gradually, their breathing went heavy and uneven...



The warm bathwater in the pool tapped at their bodies repeatedly as the two of them made out. Teeth gritted, leaning against the wall of the pool, Ling Zhang uncontrollably let out one groan after another, which made Yuwen Tong’s desire even more irrepressible.


The thick vapor lingered in the room for quite a long time. Outside the building was the rain accompanied with snow, but inside it was sheer warmth.

Ling Zhang had no idea for how long they were in the pool. He only knew that although Yuwen Tong hadn’t acted so “fiercely” as to cause him to shout himself hoarse, he still felt as though his soul had shattered in the extreme pleasure. He had no recollection of when Yuwen Tong had cleaned him and scooped him out of the pool, or when he’d been carried into the bedroom beside the side hall, or when he’d been put beneath the warm quilt. When the quilt was pulled over him, he subconsciously burrowed down beneath it and curled up. And then, without even opening his eyes, he let out a groan and fumbled beside him with his hand. Though quite groggy, he was unable to sleep without Yuwen Tong by his side.

Yuwen Tong hurried onto the bed and got beneath the quilt. As his hand touched Yuwen Tong, Ling Zhang immediately burrowed himself into Yuwen Tong’s embrace and soon drifted into a deep sleep, totally unaware of anything around him, starting to have a sweet dream.

Yuwen Tong gingerly shifted his position. Holding Ling Zhang in his arms, he gently stroked Ling Zhang’s hair, fingering it carefully. Feeling he had nothing more to ask for with his lover in his arms, he slowly fell asleep as well.


The next day.

Yuwen Tong had already gone to preside over the court meeting when Ling Zhang woke up. Recalling he had to pay a visit to Yuwen You later, he got out of the heap of quilt, stretched, kneaded his waist and inwardly muttered a curse at Yuwen Tong who had made him exhausted once again the day before.

When he had finished washing and dressing himself, Yao Yi came to see him. “Your Highness, you should get something to eat. The court meeting will be over in two quarters and His Majesty will go from the consultation hall to the palace gates to meet you.”

Ling Zhang nodded, had some snacks and then went out. He reached the palace gates just in time to see Yuwen Tong coming. And then the two of them left the palace together.

This time around they left the palace overtly, and the imperial guard of honor led them all the way to the front gates of the Marquess Fuan. Yuwen You and all his family members came out to welcome the two of them.

Ling Zhang and Yuwen Tong got out of the horse-drawn carriage hand in hand, raised Yuwen You to his feet and then led the group of people into the residence.

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