Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 54 - The Detour

Chapter 54 The Detour

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

At this moment, Leo and the others were sitting on a stone bench to rest. Realizing that an hour has already passed, Leo stood up as he walked towards Veronica.

"Lady Veronica, let\'s proceed now with the mission!" Leo said to Veronica as he motioned everyone to start preparing themselves. They were already well-rested, so it was time now to begin the mission.

Leo had also realized while resting awhile ago that the earlier they travel the less dangerous it would be for them. They will travel in the Yellow forest, after all, the habitat of the Magical Beast. Obviously, the daytime would be the safest time for them since they could still see the Magical Beast around them, and hence make detours to avoid trouble. The vice versa would also naturally be during the night time, it would be the most dangerous time period since they can\'t see the Magical Beast clearly anymore, so they would eventually encounter danger. In conclusion, spending much longer in the Honoris manor would just make their plan much more dangerous.

Veronica nodded in response to Leo before she took his group towards the readily prepared carriage at the entrance of the manor\'s gate. She then walked straight to the carriage with the help of Angel.

After looking at Veronica going to the carriage, Leo quickly observes the other soldiers around that her Butler assigned to escort her. He quickly noticed that there were a total of twelve soldiers and all of them inconspicuously talked with the Butler first before finally proceeding to their respective position.

Leo was quick to understand that those soldiers were already paid by those kidnappers. He really wanted to know just what kind of benefits were offered to the Butler and to those twelve soldiers to actually make them betray their own Master and the Honoris Noble Household? After all, the Honoris Noble Household is one of the five major Noble Households of the Silver Kingdom, though they are weak in terms of fighters, they were still a major family. So, offending them would surely cause a lot of trouble later on.

"Well, they have their own reasons. There is no use in thinking about it since we would likely be able to know it after this mission." Leo silently said to himself as he shakes his head in disappointment for those traitors before finally going to the guard\'s wagon behind Veronica\'s carriage.

The wagon was covered with a white cloth all around with only two ways to get in and out, the back and the front, so no one could clearly see what\'s inside. The moment Leo got in, just like what was planned, Veronica was already sitting comfortably right beside Angel.

Leo had long known about this, so he wasn\'t the least bit surprised. This was simply part of their plan. Lady Veronica didn\'t actually get inside the carriage but was only putting a dummy inside, then she would secretly move towards the guard\'s wagon with the cover of Angel.

After everything was finally prepared, the carriage then began moving, departing from Honoris city to Silver city. Both Veronica and the kidnappers\' plan was now put into action, only Fate could tell which group would be successful.

After traveling halfway through the road leading towards Will city, it was finally time to proceed with Veronica\'s plan.

While inside the guards\' wagon, Leo nodded his head towards Veronica as he quickly looked outside to check for any chances of escape. Fortunately, though, there is no one guarding the back of the guards\' wagon, so they could easily use the back without anyone noticing the moment there is a chance.

"Seriously, these men didn\'t even bother to guard us?"

Not putting up any guards at the rear was the same as underestimating them. This also shows just how lacking these guards\' experience was. They might be thinking that they don\'t need to since their only focus right now was to guard Veronica, not to allow her to escape or the likes... Unknown to them, Veronica was actually inside the guards\' wagon and the one they were guarding now was only a dummy.

Leo silently chuckled before he signaled everyone that it was clear as he moved towards the front.

"Brother, just wake us up the moment we encounter any danger!" Leo said to their chauffeur before he gave the latter one gold coin.

The chauffeur nodded his head in delight before accepting the gold coin and quickly replying, "Don\'t worry, you can do anything you want inside. You can trust me that no one would bother you!"

The chauffeur has already experienced similar things. Most of the students he had encountered from the different Mage Academy before, especially those that have accepted missions related to Honoris Noble Household, had also acted the same way as Leo\'s group. Saying the same excuse before giving him a gold coin. It was already obvious that they just wanted to do nothing and be able to complete the mission easily. The mission wasn\'t hard after all; it was just to escort Lady Veronica to Silver city. And he believes that no one would dare to try to cause trouble since the Honoris Noble Household was powerful, hence no one would dare offend it.

It was really out of the chauffeur\'s expectations that there were actually people that will really dare to offend the Honoris Noble Household.

Just like what Leo had expected, the chauffeur\'s thoughts were exactly what he had thought it would be. He was intentionally giving the chauffeur one gold coin to make the latter think that way. And with those thoughts in his mind, he would then just continue to focus all his attention in front of the guards\' wagon, ignorant to what had happened inside.

Successfully able to implement his plan, Leo quickly turned his head towards his group as he motioned to everyone to slowly start disembarking out of the guards\' wagon.

Cassandra was the first one to escape. Fortunately, she was successful as no guards noticed her disembarking from the guards\' wagon. It was expected though since she only disembarked from the wagon when a tree was nearby the site which has then allowed her to quickly hide behind after she jumps off.

Then it was Elizabeth. Her escape was simple. She suddenly vanished from inside of the guards\' wagon and appeared right next to Cassandra afterwards. Obviously, she had casted a short distance Blink spell to allow her to travel in a short distance easily.

Veronica and Angel nodded their heads to each other at the same time, seemingly thinking of the same idea as Elizabeth. The two quickly casted a short distance Blink spell, before they vanished from inside of the guards\' wagon and appearing right next to Cassandra and Elizabeth.

The both of them had concluded that the easiest way to escape was simply to use an Escape spell, unlike the way Cassandra did, which would consume so much time since they needed to wait for any available tree at the side to hide after jumping out of the guards\' wagon.

Leo, which was the last person inside the guards\' wagon, could only envy the three of them for being able to cast a short distance Blink spell. After all, he and Cassandra are still just beginner Mage, so they could only escape the hard way.

"It is finally my turn..."

Leo thought for a moment before finally thinking of a really good idea. He quickly made his hand absorb the Wind Mana around his surrounding, which has then allowed him to slowly form a Wind Elemental in his consciousness.

After absorbing the six large Mana stones the other night, he was finally able to summon more Elementals. He was now able to summon four Wind Elementals or also equivalent to two Earth Elementals. But, since he had already formed an Earth Elemental, which was currently hiding in his pocket in a mini-soldier form, hence he could only form two Wind Elementals or one Earth Elemental.

At this moment, what he needed the most was a Wind Elemental.

After finally able to form the Wind Elemental in his consciousness, he then quickly summoned it before ordering it to turn itself into a surfboard. He was planning to use his Wind Elemental to escape.

He had noticed before that the Wind Elemental could travel really fast and silently like the wind, so why not try riding the Wind Elemental to escape? In such a way, he would be able to escape really fast while at the same time unnoticed. Just his theory though, but he still wanted to try it.

After the Wind Elemental turned itself into a Wind Board, Leo immediately rides on the board as he ordered it to take him away from the wagon.


Just like what he had expected, the Wind Board was able to take him away from the guards\' wagon really fast and the sound that it made wasn\'t enough to attract any guards to turn around, since it was seemingly the same as how birds dive straight towards a prey they wanted to catch.

However, Leo also realized soon that the Wind Elemental in the form of a Wind Board was actually quickly turning translucent, which obviously implies that the Wind Mana was quickly being consumed by every distance he had traveled.

Leo didn\'t plan to play around anymore with the newly discovered ability. He quickly moved towards a tree before finally landing on the ground and hiding behind. He could only travel over ten meters before the Wind Mana was finally exhausted.

Leo now understood that his theory was indeed possible, but turning the Elementals into a tool or a weapon would also make it into a consumable item which would then consume all the Element Mana that it was made of. This explains why he was only able to travel a short distance with it. Though, it was still good since he had successfully escaped without being noticed.

Hiding behind the tree, Leo thought that if he can have in-depth testing, he could surely be able to discover how long each tool and weapon could last. He has, after all, only thought of such an idea at this moment, so he was unaware of its attributes and the likes. Moreover, he wasn\'t even sure whether it would really work or not from the very beginning.

After noticing that the escort group was already far enough, Leo and the others quickly gathered together before moving in a certain direction. They were planning to travel straight to the east of the Yellow Forest, which would lead them to White River City, a city to the north of Silver City, and then they would travel south to finally arrive at Silver city, their final destination.

This was the detour that Veronica had planned.

"We will go from Yellow Forest to White River City, and then from White River city to Silver city."

With this plan, Veronica was sure that she will be able to escape from the kidnappers.

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