Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 158 - Blue Fin Kingdom

Chapter 158 Blue Fin Kingdom

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

Their only hope right now was indeed to go to the Blue Fin Kingdom.

If they can really find a flaw in the Magical seal that Lu Ming had casted, then going to the Blue Fin Kingdom would be the only way for them to escape this place alive.

The Blue Fin Kingdom is one of the homes of the Mermaid race, specifically mermaids with blue color fins. They are one of the Foreign races that Humans used to only write in books about back on Earth, calling them all sorts of different names such as Siren, Sea Maiden, and Water Nymph. However, in the Celestial World, they go by their entire race name, Merlfolks, the name for all the sea-dwelling Foreign races all throughout the entire Celestial World. Simply put, the Mermaid race is just a part of the big Foreign race called Merlfolks.

In the history book of the Silver Kingdom, the Blue Fin Kingdom was once their invaders.

The Blue Fin Kingdom had attacked the Silver Kingdom back in the days due to the sole reason that they assumed the Fourth Prince had kidnapped one of their princesses, although not and instead was the vice versa, because the mermaid princess, Elaine, was actually the one who kidnapped Fourth Prince Ethan, and had then chosen the Eastern Coast of Silver Kingdom as her hideout, hence causing the war to erupt in the Eastern Coast territory of Silver Kingdom.

After finding out the truth, the Blue Fin Kingdom felt ashamed of their action as they then gave the Silver Kingdom a huge compensation. They gave them the rights to rule the Shark Cemetery, which henceforth became a part of the Silver Kingdom. That was just one of the compensation, though.

Ever since then, the Blue Fin Kingdom and the Silver Kingdom became allies. They were not just allies because of the marriage between Princess Elaine and Fourth Prince Ethan, but also because the King of Blue Fin Kingdom became brothers with the King of Silver Kingdom after the fight, which afterwards started the really close alliance between the two kingdoms.

So, if they choose to go to the Blue Fin Kingdom, the latter would definitely not hesitate to send reinforcements to help. Adding to the fact, too, that the one endangered here is an important part of the Silver Kingdom force, Silver Mage Academy. They of course can\'t just allow that since that will also affect the total strength of their entire alliance, so the help was definitely a sure given.

Although it would definitely cost something in return since no one would just voluntarily give someone a free gift for nothing, though that is still just a small price to pay compared to all of the Silver Mage Academy\'s 1st-year students\' life. After all, the moment all the 1st year students died, that would then become one of the focal points that will discourage the potential students next year to enroll in the Silver Mage Academy, which would then affect many more things. Adding more to the plate too, that the Noble Households of the dead 1st year students would definitely give the Silver Mage Academy a hard time, which might also affect the prestige of the Silver royal family.

"You are so smart teacher, Homer!" Axel quickly hugged teacher, Homer.

"Nah, it\'s not actually my idea... Teacher Lee had just transmitted a message to me a few seconds ago, saying that Lu Ming needed to undergo a ceremony with the Leviathan in order for him to finally make the Leviathan his Beast Companion, and that ceremony requires a day\'s worth of time, or maybe even more considering the fact that the teachers can interrupt the ceremony every now and then. So, he told me to go to the Blue Fin Kingdom, since it\'s a lot nearer than the Silver Kingdom, and ask them for assistance!" Teacher Homer didn\'t hesitate to explain.

"I don\'t have any reason to disagree, but how about those other students waiting in the dock?" Ehtelyn interrupted.

"Teacher Lee already sent out teacher Smith, teacher Candice, and teacher Daisy to hide those students somewhere in the Floating Mountain. I don\'t know where though, but all we can do right now is hope that they will never be found out until the reinforcement arrives." Teacher Homer replied.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let\'s go now!" Axel quickly said.


After a few hours of walking, Leo, teacher Homer, and Axel, and the others finally arrived in the base of the Class 1E- during the trial competition, specifically located in the northwest edge of Floating Mountain. It was the part of the Floating Mountain with the longest stretch. This stretch would actually reduce the 50 kilometers distance by 5 kilometers, which is still a huge help nonetheless.

"How do we make this boat? Do you have any ideas, teacher Homer?" Leo curiously asked.

"Let\'s gather the materials needed for this boat and the trip. I will make the boat, while you guys would decide amongst yourselves who will cut some trees, gather some sizeable amount of stones and other kinds of ores if you find any, and look for enough food for the trip!"

Hearing teacher Homer\'s words, Leo nodded his head as he said, "Axel, Aiden, and Matthew will be in charge of cutting down some trees. Me, Murgan, and David would be in charge of collecting the stones, and ores if we can indeed find any. And the rest of the girls will collect the food. Any questions?"

"None!" Axel\'s group agreed.

"Same goes for the two of us!" Murgan and David agreed.

"Giving the hard job to the boys sounds fair to me!" Ehtelyn also agreed.

However, teacher Homer shook his head to express his disagreement, "Leo will exchange position with Axel!"


"Your Golems would really be needed for this job!"

"Cutting down trees is not a Golem thing to do! Teacher Smith had said to me before that Golems belongs to the mines, so I will respectfully decline your offer!"

"If this was the normal times, then I will not disagree with your statement. But we are currently facing a big problem right now, and time is the most important!"

"How about this, 2 of my Golems will help cut down trees, while the remaining 2 will come with me down to the mines?"

"You need to stay here with me!" Teacher Homer finally revealed his intention. He was currently feeling suspicious of Leo the most right now, not because he suspects him to be a part of the Black Organization, but instead because he might do some cunning thing to set-up the Black organization once again. Simply put, if he takes an eye off Leo, even for just a single moment, he feels like the latter will definitely do something dangerous.

"I don\'t get you in that part!" Leo dubiously replied. He of course wouldn\'t just back down that easily.

To be honest, he actually wants to go to the mines in order to look for something. It\'s not that he really needed to go, but the Earth Elementals were telling him to go somewhere underground, which he assumes to be related to Magical stones or ores since it was the Earth Elementals that wanted them.

This was actually the first time that his Earth Elemental requested something from him since what he had always experienced was him requesting, or more like ordering them to do this and that.

In his opinion, if the Earth Elemental wanted something, then it\'s definitely not them requesting, but more like the Red Cube using the Earth Elemental to communicate with him.

And for the Red Cube to want something, it definitely only meant that it\'s something great.

"Listen here, young man. You might be in charge when it comes to this group of students before, but with me here, don\'t ever hope that everything will stay the same. I\'m in charge here, so you and everyone else will follow my orders, starting now!" Teacher Homer looked at Leo with sharp eyes. He was the teacher and Leo was just a student, if he doesn\'t fight back, then he might as well just retire as a teacher.


"No buts! Go and cut down some trees and don\'t ever think of escaping from my sight to do something else!" Teacher Homer said.

Hearing teacher Homer\'s words, Leo doesn\'t have any choice anymore but to comply. What can he do? Even if he keeps on arguing, teacher Homer would still stubbornly reply with an answer that clearly says \'No!\'. Also, it would only cost them more time if he continues arguing, so he might as well just agree, right? He can go back here if everything is over, anyway.

As soon as Leo and teacher Homer arguing were over, everyone then proceeded to do their respective task.

But first, they naturally needed some tools, right?

So, teacher Homer orders Leo to make his Golems cut some trees. Afterwards, he then went to make some tools using Magic, specifically a wooden axe and a pickaxe with some Magic enhancements, so that it will not easily break.

After finishing all of that, they then finally proceed with their task.

Leo, Aiden, and Matthew went to cut trees just nearby teacher Homer, which the lumber was then carried after by the 2 Golems to teacher Homer so that he can start creating the frame of the boat.

Axel, Murgan, and David went to a nearby cave. It wasn\'t really a cave, but instead, a tunnel that was definitely dug by one of the Magical Beast Sharks from before. They simply removed the sizeable rocks they see in their path before passing it to the 2 Golems to deliver them to teacher Homer.

Ehtelyn, Tiffany, and Melthy just went to gather some fruits, mushrooms, and some other edible foods they can find in the Floating Mountain.. Of course, they naturally only choose to look for some in the area nearby, since going any further might just cause them some unnecessary danger.

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