Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 436 - Ash’s Capability As An Alchemist Part 3

Chapter 436 Ash\'s capability as an Alchemist part 3

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Soon, the door of the huge room opened as Ellen along with another Elf with red-colored hair wearing a yellow-colored robe walked inside.

"I thought you said that there was only a single person, so who are they?" Eugine can\'t help asking as he looked at Leo and the others.

"Oh, they came along to watch." Ellen explained.

"Okay, then who is that person you have mentioned?" Eugine said as he observes Leo and the others from head to toe. But since Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, Veronica, and Ash were wearing a Magic Mantle, he could only observe Leo, Charlotte, Sebastian, Dan, and old man Torre.

"That..." Ellen wanted to point out Ash, but she quickly realized that because Leo and the others had now gotten inside the room, hence there are now six people wearing a Magic Mantle, she was unable to identify who Ash was amongst them.

Fortunately, Ash raised her hand to identify herself as she quickly noticed Ellen\'s confused look on her face.


Eugine turned his head to look at Ash and asked, "Is it alright for you to show us your face?"

At this moment, Eugine was really curious to know who are these people, especially that woman who concocted the so-called weird Sleeping Potion that Ellen had mentioned.

Ash turned to look at Leo, obviously wanting to ask for his permission first to show her face.

"Just like what I\'ve said, you can show your face in places with a limited exposure," Leo nodded his head.

Hearing that, Ash slowly removed the hood of her Magic Mantle, slowly revealing to Ellen and Eugine her beautiful face.

Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, and Veronica also did the same as they were long irritated already with the hood covering their faces.

"Finally!" Cassandra exclaimed in delight.

"I don\'t know why, but after removing the hood it feels like I\'m breathing fresh air again," Elizabeth expressed what she felt while taking deep breaths. She knows that what she had said was really exaggerated, but that\'s really how she feels right now.

"We have no choice," Angel smile helplessly. In the Celestial World, looks are one of the reasons that would attract trouble, especially to women like them.

"I can\'t wait for the day when I finally became strong enough!" Veronica said.

Ellen and Eugine were a bit surprised after seeing Cassandra and the other\'s appearance. They really didn\'t expect that all of those people wearing a Magic Mantle were actually women. But it only took them half a second to understand the reason why.

Noticing their weak cultivation and observing their appearance of being beautiful members of Foreign races, wearing the Magic Mantle is obviously to not attract trouble.

Moreover, with the Emerald Event happening in the Emerald Tree Kingdom right this moment, there would definitely be a few people that like to cause trouble or seek death after seeing beautiful women.

To avoid such trouble, people will wear clothes that hide their appearance and such. Like, for example, a Magic Mantle.

"I\'m Eugine, an Elite Alchemist of this Alchemist Association," Eugine introduced himself as he put his hand forward, not to Ash, but to Leo, as he noticed that this young man is the Leader of this group.

"I\'m Leo Heart, a Prince of a Human Kingdom. You can call me Mister Loki, for short," Leo introduced himself. He had mentioned in the past that the status of \'Prince\' was troublesome, but he later realized that depending on the circumstances, it could also be helpful as well. Like for example, establishing a relationship with an Alchemist and such.

As long as he informed them in advance to call him \'Mister Loki\' or even just Leo instead of \'Prince Leo\', then it wouldn\'t cause him any trouble.

"If it\'s okay to ask, which Human Kingdom does Mister Loki belongs? In my memories about the Human territories, I\'ve never read about a Heart royal family." Eugine asked, his tone becoming respectful.

"It\'s only natural, we have just taken control of the Silver Kingdom." Leo smiled in response without bothering to hide the fact that they have taken over the Silver Kingdom.

"The Silver Kingdom? You mean that backward Human Kingdom farthest to the east?" Eugine wanted to confirm.

"Yes, that Silver Kingdom. It\'s now called Lionheart Kingdom." Leo nodded his head. He quickly added, "It\'s precisely because it\'s developing backwards that\'s why we took over it. Apparently, what I\'ve heard from my Master, the Queen of Lionheart Kingdom, the King of Silver Kingdom has turned into a puppet of someone, that\'s why the territory has been developing in backwards."

"Oh..." Eugine nodded his head in understanding. He now understands why the Silver Kingdom was developing backwards a few years later after its founding, despite still having a reference to guide them in managing a territory from both their world called Earth in the past and the current top Human territories. So, now that it has changed hands, the Silver Kingdom... No, the Lionheart Kingdom, considering if the new royal family is much better than the last, would definitely start getting back to the right track. Hence, it shouldn\'t be bad building up some relationship with them.

"Then, it\'s an honor meeting you, Mister Loki," Eugine said as he bowed his head a bit as a sign of respect.

"No need for courtesy, Alchemist Eugine. To tell you the truth, I\'m still not used to my new status and I also prefer not being treated like that. I don\'t know if it\'s just me or not, but for me, it feels so distant..." Leo waved his hand to make Eugine stand up.

Hearing Leo\'s words, Eugine raised his head while letting out a chuckle as he said, "You\'re really a strange person, Mister Loki."

"Maybe..." Leo smiled before going back to the important matter right now, "Anyways, you can continue with the test of my woman. We can continue talking later. By the way, don\'t go easy on her just because she is my woman. If she fails, then fail her."

"I understand," Eugine nodded his head in acknowledgment before turning to looked at Ash.

"Leo is right, Alchemist Eugine. Treat me with the most strictest way you could possibly have," Ash agreed.

"No need, no need, I\'ve already heard from Ellen how powerful your Sleeping Potion is. Perhaps, if my guess is indeed correct, you have the Alchemist\'s Hands, right?" Eugine asked.

At the side, after hearing the word Alchemist\'s Hands, Leo\'s face turned to those of shock. Not only him, but also Cassandra and the others as well.

Alchemist\'s Hands is a very well-known word in the Celestial World. It simply means a person is blessed in Alchemy.

Some people need to study in order to learn Alchemy, but people with Alchemist\'s Hands are born to become Alchemist. Their comprehension of Alchemy is so high that even if they don\'t study any Alchemy books, they would still be able to think of the correct recipes to use as if it\'s nothing but just common sense.

It\'s similar to how the High Dwarf race has a very high success rate when crafting powerful weapons, equipment, or any other similar items. Or how Enchantress has a very high affinity to Support Magic spells.

As for an Alchemist with the Alchemist\'s Hands; aside from that they are born to become an Alchemist, they also have the ability to improve any Alchemist\'s products they create, just like how Ash\'s Sleeping Potion could make one sleepy despite its vial still being tightly closed.

One could even say that having the Alchemist\'s Hands would make an Alchemist a High Alchemist, a term used similar to High Elves.

But of course, that\'s just an exaggeration. Although an Alchemist with an Alchemist\'s Hands could indeed imply that the person is a talented Alchemist, they still can\'t escape the simple law that one needs to study in order to learn more, even if Alchemy is as if like common sense to them.

"May I see the Sleeping Potion you have concocted, Miss...?" Eugine inquired.

"You can just call me Ash," Ash replied.

"Miss Ash, may I take a look at your Sleeping Potion?" Eugine asked with a smile.

"Here," Ash quickly opened the container where she had put the large vial of Sleeping Potion inside and handed it to Eugine.

As soon as the large Sleeping Potion was taken out, Leo and the others immediately started feeling sleepy again, including Ellen.

Unlike the last time though, right now Charlotte, Sebastian, Dan, and old man Torre were long already prepared. They immediately released their Magic power to ward off the smell of the large Sleeping Potion so that Leo and the others wouldn\'t exhale it.

"Thank you," Leo nodded gratefully at Charlotte and the others as he turned to look at Eugine, who was now fully focused on the large Sleeping Potion as if looking at the girl he really loves. It\'s really a weird sight to see, but he could understand him. What Eugine is feeling right now is just similar to how he felt when he once laid his eyes on the Death Wake Dagger of his Master Olivia.

After looking at the large vial of Sleeping Potion for some time, Eugine\'s eyes suddenly lit up, seemingly as if he was inspired by something.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Eugine suddenly began laughing out loud while looking straight at the large Sleeping Potion in his hand. He continued, "Now I know what is the missing ingredient to complete that recipe!"

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