Rise of the Undead Legion

Chapter 549: Helping Out

Chapter 549: Helping Out


With the death of The Shadow That Walks Behind, the legendary weapons, Durandal and Ajax have been blessed with a newfound purpose.

Current Rank of God Slaying weapon and shield.

Has been upgraded to

Arch God\'s weapon and shield.


The curse on your sword Durandal has been lifted.

Sword weight increased by 200%

Additional stat increase +200 STR

Additional Ability unlocked:

[Weight of the World] (a lesser version of [Weight of the Universe] the sword of Durandal can increase its weight proportionally to your strength and change shape according to your size and STR modifier. The sword will cause cataclysmic events if unleashed upon the world, but will not destroy the planet as it would when it is on [Weight of the Universe]



The curse on your shield Ajax has been lifted.

Ajax can now absorb an additional skill and copy an already absorbed skill for a second usage.

The limitation on Ajax\'s inability to consume legacy skills has been lifted.

Additional stat increase +200 STR

+1,000,000 HP

+25,000 MD

+ 25,000 PD


Blessing of Vulcan.

Vulcan the forge god has left a will of his in the world, for when his weapons are released of their unfair curse that they become unbreakable, indestructible, and forever faithful to their owner.

The Sword of Durandal is now bound to player Death Stroke.

The Shield of Ajax is now bound to player Death Stroke.

The sword and shield will no longer need repairs.


With the death of the shadow that walks behind, one more calamity has left the world. Dave looked at flanker and said, "how did you do that?"

"I mean, that\'s basically easy I just used the ability I just got and transformed the monster into a bug and squashed it. anyone should have thought about that especially since the shadow\'s HP is relevant to the creature it inhabits."

"Well frankly I never thought about that but good thinking flanker, that\'s a first," Fortress replied.

"OK, no we\'ve dealt with this one I think the devastator still has two more that we should probably check out, what do you guys think?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, I\'m down for that, but first let\'s see the loot that this guy dropped." Perfect Shot said.

"Not to bring down the mood but I don\'t think this guy had anything useful the only thing it dropped was this shadow essence thingy, you can check it out here," Flanker said.


Shadow Essence

The embodiment of shadows in a rock.

The origin of the shadow essence is still unknown, it holds many secrets but only those who are attuned with shadow could unveil what lies within.


"This doesn\'t explain anything, but I think Bud would have an idea," Dave said.

"Okay, news up; Warlord is busy fighting a calamity, let\'s head out and help him out," Ralph said.

"Yeah, as much as I want that, I think we forgot about something," Flanker said.

"What is that?" Dave asked.

A loud roar echoed behind the party, turning, they sold a massive dragon looking at them. The stone dragon had been released from the shadow that walks behind, but it was still a dragon. They had no idea what it was going to do, nor if it was hostile or friendly.

"Thank you, for ridding me of that disgraceful and disgusting being." the dragon said.

"Oh, it speaks!"

"We all speak, Dragons are old and sentient. Mere words are not difficult for us. Still, I have seen many vile things coming out of the rift above and find them too dangerous to roam the world, free I shall lend you my aid."

"Do you mean by aid?" Dave asked.

"We Dragons do not like when we are owed. and I have a life debt towards you all, I shall pay it back by defending this territory from any invaders, however, I have exhausted much of my strength, so I cannot help you against the two creatures that are invading this place right now."

"Well, that\'s not much help, we weren\'t asking you anything, just chill here will do the job anyway," Dave said.

"I find humans quite arrogant, but you are entitled to such arrogance for the strength you have displayed."

"Will leave you to whatever Dragons do and will be heading out, see you later."

The party headed out East to where a great commotion was ensuing. thankfully, the area was far away from the city where the calamity and the players were fighting.

Dave\'s group took little less than ten minutes to get where the battle was happening.

Warlord was the first of a great army of players. Battling against a calamity that calling it a giant would be an understatement. The creature was shaped like a massive serpent with the head of a flower. It had vines that moved with supersonic speed. They blew up the sound barrier with every swing as they slashed around, flailing like scythes of death.

Warlord was taking on a volley of such attacks, but he didn\'t lose a single point of HP.

With the massive army of players that were defending him, it was nigh impossible for the calamity to kill the legacy holder.

"GOD\'s FIST!" Warlord shouted and the golden gauntlet dropped upon the creature. Cratering the ground with its destructive smash.

The flower head calamity echoed a loud screech and released a gaseous substance from its head. A green smoke screen encompassed the area.

Dave frowned, were they idiots? Did they not read the creature\'s description? He then shouted as loudly as he could once he saw the gas, "STOP HEALING HIM!"

When the healers noticed the draugr and heard what he said, a great majority stopped but some stubborn healers still believed that Dave was a hostile force to the Devastators, wanting for Warlord to die in this battle, to either take the glory for himself or just ruin the Devastators.

So, they kept on healing Warlord. And the worst happened.

The combination of the players heals, and the gas of the monster caused it to backfire, turning to poison. Warlord\'s unmovable HP dropped in two seconds to less than a third and it was still dropping. Thankfully, Warlord was smart enough to use [Bastion] canceling all the damage dealt with him even from poison and called, "Stop healing you, idiots!"

"Switch, I\'ll take your place," Dave called and Warlord nodded. There was no hesitation, even if the two never got along, never were friends, but in this time, Warlord trusted that Dave would be the best against this calamity.

Once Dave was up and in front of the calamity, he drew Durandal and called [Weight of the World!].

His sword enlarged to match the giant creature, then he added [ Herculean Strength triple-fold!]

The sword\'s size increase massively and then Dave dropped it down against the creature\'s head.

The sword easily tore through the flower on top of the serpent\'s head and once it contacted its skull, the whole being was forced into the ground, unable to move an inch.

"Need a hand?" Ralph shouted.

"Wait until the poison gas subsides, it doesn\'t work on me, then you all can come and help," Dave replied.

"I guess you\'re here for another piece of the loot," Warlord said.

"Nah, just helping out, there isn\'t much action in the east, we already killed the two calamities there. Your side is surprisingly festive."

"Not that I wanted that. These bastards are costing me a lot of money. The damage to the capital is going to hurt our budget for months to come." Warlord said.

"Well, it\'s best that it only hurts the budget than the whole thing gone." Dave disabled the size increase on his sword and jumped on top of the serpent.

"I don\'t really like this thing on top of your head, how about I give you a little trim, trust me I know how to use a sword." Dave mocked and began slicing at the flower.

With every petal that fell, the creature would receive a flat amount of true damage. Indicating that the flower was a crucial part of this thing\'s anatomy.

Dave jumped back and into the party of players when the snake finally got up.

"You guys\' been doing this wrong the whole time."

Warlord was next to him, gulping down on an anti-poison potion.

"Warlord questioned? What do you mean?"

"You didn\'t read the description?"

"It\'s just a big ass snake, but the skills are really strange, it basically uses more skills than what it has."

"Because those are two calamities in one, you just failed to inspect the one above it. The flower is a parasite, it controls the snake under it."

"It doesn\'t show it for me, I only have the option to inspect the snake." Warlord said.

"I guess it\'s because I saw it before in Pandora\'s Box, those are two beings in one, kill the flower to kill the snake. And what\'s the best way to kill some plants?" Dave said.

"Burn \'em up!"

Dave swapped to his gauntlets and smashed them together as he said "Burn em up real good!"

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