Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 126 - God Given Power to Rule

Chapter 126: God Given Power to Rule

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Silicon is directly below carbon on the periodic table. As such, the two elements share many properties, such as their abilities to form long chains and polymers. Thus, silicon is seen as being a very promising alternate element as the basis for lifeforms.

Besides carbon-based lifeforms, silicon-based lifeforms are seen as being the most likely to occur naturally. Silicon can form metallic cells with iron and other metallic elements that possess stable cell structures and excretion systems. Those cells can then obtain energy from the outside world in order to maintain life. Lu Zhiyu had previously observed silicon-based life, but this case already seemed very different from what Lu Zhiyu had previously discovered.

Similar to the way that Lu Zhiyu had investigated evolution from carbon-based lifeforms, then modified his own genes to become more adaptable and powerful, this lifeform was also searching for a way to evolve.

In fact, it had already begun its own journey. It had even reached a status of mechanical life, with all of the individual cells being on par with, or beyond, the nanorobots that humanity was researching!

This type of lifeform had an even greater range of habitats, which enabled it to survive in vacuums. Also, it only needed energy, but not food.

Moreover, it could easily achieve what humanity could not: a status of immortality! Even if the structure was compromised, as long as the broken parts were replaced, then it would be able to regain function. These factors alone truly reveal it to be a higher lifeform, with technology far beyond Earth’s imagination!

From early on, Lu Zhiyu had begun researching the conditions necessary for forming metallic cells. The first test subject was the Sword of the King, which Lu Zhiyu integrated metallic cells upon via alchemy, so that it would later on be able to serve as a base for true metal alchemy lifeforms.

Compared to carbon-based lifeforms, metallics cells were much closer to Lu Zhiyu’s initial goal, which was to change the fundamental nature of cells. Carbon-based cells were weaker and required more pristine conditions in order to survive. Hence, they’re completely unsustainable in harsher conditions, such as vacuums and extremely low or high temperatures.

Deified cells were developed from carbon-based lifeforms, so although Lu Zhiyu could modify them in order to repair cells with their special properties, their development was still limited by the weaknesses present in the carbon-based cells. As such, Lu Zhiyu’s powers were restricted. Therefore, even enhanced divine creatures were unable to survive in extreme conditions. As soon as they expended all of their energy, they would die.

If the base was switched to metallic cells, with their properties, it would be possible to store more information and have more potential for development for a new generation of mythical creature templates. Lu Zhiyu would then be able to become even more powerful. He could even become an eighth ranking legendary wizard after creating a mid-ranked enhanced divine creature!

Compared to the low-ranked enhanced creatures, these divine creatures would have more comprehensive abilities and a stronger lifeforce, when compared to carbon-based lifeforms. Also, their information retention capacity was higher, so even if they were to be trapped in outer space for an endless amount of years, they would not die easily. In fact, they now possessed the remarkable ability to survive all sorts of extreme conditions!

However, Lu Zhiyu was still developing this subject, so it had only been tested on the Sword of the King, which was enhanced based on inspirations that Lu Zhiyu had gained from silicon lifeforms that had evolved into a higher state of life. So far, Lu Zhiyu could not completely understand them, but he was able to grasp some of their characteristics by understanding their structures. Thus, he could use that information to conduct enhancement on metallic cells, which would then allow him to create true mythical alchemy items!


The collectd group was about to set off for the Amos Icefield. Stopping at the tavern in Primonius, Lu Zhiyu went to his room and opened his suitcase. The room was dimly lit by an oil lamp.

Lu Zhiyu took out something from the very bottom of the suitcase. It was a longsword that was wrapped up in layers of white cloth.

This was the Sword of the King that Lu Zhiyu had reforged with metallic cells. If it was magnified, the sword’s interior structure could be seen to far surpass any ordinary weapon. The remarkable characteristic that these metallic cells held was, in fact, Lu Zhiyu’s dream controller life template. The template of the enhanced cells remained unchanged, so it was only the vessel, the Sword of the King, that had been upgraded.

This had been Lu Zhiyu’s initial attempt, which was also meant to test the specs and stability of deified metallic cells. After making sure that there were no issues with it, Lu Zhiyu was planning on developing higher state versions of metallic cells, then exploring the mysteries of silicon shell lifeform remains from Earth. He would then attempt to breakthrough to the eighth level of wizardry!

“Enter and close the door.”

A knock had sounded on the door. Lu Zhiyu slowly unraveled the white cloth that was surrounding the Sword of the King, revealing the silver longsword. The magnificent sword had an ethereal snow white grip. On both sides of the blade, there were mysterious markings. The name Faross was also engraved on the handle. The entire sword was emanating a clear, soft glow.

As Lu Zhiyu traced along the blade with his finger, he reminisced about the journey through the history of the entire Alen Continent. Within Lu Zhiyu’s hands, this sword had a different significance and held endless memories.

This holy sword, after having existed throughout centuries, had been upgraded once more by Lu Zhiyu’s hands. Lu Zhiyu planned on giving it to his next chosen king. He had already decided that its new master would be the one who succeeded Ahenaten. Currently, she may be a bit too young and immature, though, and may not be quite ready for the responsibility...

Verthandi peeped her head inside at that very moment. She seemed to have completely forgotten how Lu Zhiyu had just been teasing her. “Dad, what are you being so mysterious about?”

Lu Zhiyu turned around, still holding the Sword of the King in his hand. He looked at Verthandi, his face not wearing its usual easy-going manner, but rather a solemn expression. Verthandi’s expression also changed. She had never seen her father like this before.

“What is that?”

Verthandi could now see that Lu Zhiyu was holding a glowing silvery-white sword. She could even see the sigils on it, which were pulsing with a strong and pure power. The mysterious sword’s pulsating power engulfed the entire room in a dreamlike glow. Anyone would be able to clearly see that this was no ordinary sword!

Then, the lamplight flickered. In the background, there was a picture of an angel that was descending from above. After being stunned for a bit, Verthandi finally recognized the sword that Lu Zhiyu held.

After all, the sword was too famous an artifact, with so many legends and heavy symbolic meanings, to not recognize it! With the destruction of the Kingdom of Menkaure and the curse of the last King, its was a story that anyone could retell continuously.

No matter whether it be among humans or orcs, the sword carried a holy element and had a sacred place in the hearts of all. In fact, all faiths, as well as the kings of various nations were looking for it, desiring to possess it. Of course, once Verthandi recognized it, her mouth immediately fell open. She was shocked speechless!

Lu Zhiyu looked at Verthandi’s amazement, revealed in eyes and her face, then said with a sense of approval, “Kneel.”

Verthandi knelt before him, a little confused and hesitant. Then, Lu Zhiyu held out the Sword of the King and recited lightly. “Humility, honesty, empathy, courage, fairness, sacrifice, glory, soul! Be fearless before the strong, resolute and faithful before the divine. Be loyal and upstanding, and go to your death before yielding. Protect the weak and follow the laws of heaven!”

He then turned to look Verthandi in the eyes, asking, “Verthandi, can you do it?”

Verthandi could not believe that Lu Zhiyu was literally standing before her eyes, with the legendary sword within his hand no less! After all, this was the most legendary divine artifact! Her eyes glowed with enthusiasm, as she straightened her back. Even her lowered hands started trembling. “I will engrave this into my heart and never forget it!”

Lu Zhiyu then passed the sword to Verthandi, who was still kneeling. She received it with both hands, calmly and evenly. As soon as Verthandi took the divine sword, Lu Zhiyu slapped her cheek with the back of his hand. It was a very loud and quite painful strike.

“Memorize this pledge!” he ordered.

This marked the completion of the ceremony of knighting and coronation. And, although there were no witnesses to be found within this remote hotel, and the conditions were very shabby, this was still a proper and traditional representation of the expectations that Lu Zhiyu had for her.

After the ceremony, the power of the Sword of the King enveloped her body, releasing a brilliant light throughout the room. The light was so bright and powerful, it could not even be contained by the room. It burst forth from the door cracks, spreading to the outside.

The Sword of the King then became scattered into countless specks of light, which poured into Verthandi’s body. Verthandi instantly merged with the longsword, transforming into a half-mythical lifeform. She then floated up into the air, covered in a silvery-white glow.

After a long while, she fell back to the ground, now holding the Sword of the King. She was a bit disoriented, as she drifted out of a daze. She had officially become the complete owner of the sword!

“The right to rule and to heal the nation of God.”

Verthandi was quite groggy. She felt as if she was in a dream. “Dad, why was it in your hands? This is the legendary...”

The commotion from before had now attracted attention from outside. Lu Zhiyu immediately remarked. “People are coming! Quick, hide it.”

Lu Zhiyu walked towards the door, then turned back to gaze at Verthandi, nodding. “No matter how you choose to use it, I hope you make the choices that you believe are right.”

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