Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 394 - Felicia

She did notice traces of Phantom Master’s signature skills from that illusion.

“Ugh. It can’t be. How could this boy have anything to do with that ‘Killing Machine’?”

While she considered, there was another young lady who was sitting on a fur carpet while enjoying all kinds of strange foodstuffs on a small table.

Panicking Beauty Fruits, weeping Star Mussels, Sesame Ants with “bread scraps” on their backs...

The girl wielded wizardry flame in one hand and spices with the other hand. With several swift moves, the downright terrifying materials all turned into steaming hot and delicious dishes.

Next, she proceeded to stuff the cooked food into her mouth and closed her eyes in pleasure.

The woman in the black dress looked up from her crystal ball at the munching sound and rubbed her temples.

“Hey, Greya... it isn’t easy to find such a slim shape. Why would you eat like that? You’ll get bigger again.” The woman walked to the girl on gentle steps while speaking as if she were someone’s mother who was lecturing her kid.

“Little girl” Greya only returned an innocent gaze. “Sis?”

“Ugh. My god.”

The woman took out a beautiful vial from her space ring, which contained glowing, green liquid. Along with the movement of the vial, small glitters shone in the liquid as if the container had a miniature galaxy in it.

The woman uncapped the vial and immediately released a rich aroma into the room.

“Greya” beamed with delight upon sensing the great smell. “Can I have some, sis?” Greya gulped while she kept munching on some mussel meat which was obviously screaming at the top of its lungs. Well, it would be screaming if it had lungs.

The woman took out a small amount of green liquid and handed it to the girl.

The amazing smell grew stronger as the liquid was brought out of the vial. It even traveled out of the room, away from time and space, attracting several beams of light that entered the castle.

Greya took a small lick. As the liquid traveled down her throat, a burst of magic suddenly aroused something inside her. She felt as if she had a pair of wings, which took her into a beautiful paradise.

She could see fluffy clouds, rainbow-like flower fields... It reminded her of her childhood.

The woman in black put away her vial and waited for Greya to get over the trance.

Greya reopened her eyes soon enough, but the innocence earlier had been replaced by maturity and a cunning look this time.

“Tsk. Butterfly’s Dream. Such enchanting drink as ever.”

Greya spent another minute to evoke the beautiful flavor and looked at the lady in front of her.

“Oh come on, Felicia. You can always find more of this food. Don’t be so stingy,” Greya spoke in her “real” voice, which was charming and seductive like an inviting woman; it didn’t fit with her current form.

“It’s a piece of friendly advice. Don’t you want to keep your hard-earned body? Don’t ruin it so fast,” Felicia complained.

“I wasn’t good before?” Greya winked at Felicia. “Besides, what’s the point of being slim anyway? It’s not like I need people to look at me. I like having more weight, it keeps more energy,” Greya replied. She looked down a little when thinking about her previous experience. “Trust me. That’s exactly what helped me to survive the Nightmare Realm.”

She was still terrified about the dangerous place even though she was no longer there.

“I don’t understand. Did you go in as yourself or only as a soul?” It wasn’t easy to initiate a topic about the Nightmare Realm, so Felicia quickly used the chance to ask something.

Greya shook her head. “My whole body, probably. But my soul got separated later. I... don’t really remember much. I lost most of the memories, and I’m glad I did.”

“Well, you should stop thinking about it then.”

Greya calmed her mind and continued, “Speaking of slim body, ‘Sawai’ starved to death in that place because she can’t find anything to eat.”

“What about Granny Shikazaru? There were three of you, right?”

Greya scowled. “That old dimwit had her Psychic power cut off when she was no longer in Haunt World. When I and Sawai tried to collect ourselves, she just slipped away. God knows if something already killed her. I hope. Anyway, she’s not going back to Haunt World ever again. She tried to kill a wizard of Moonfrost Union, who’s now in charge of the entrance to Haunt World. They’d never let her go back.”

Greya frowned again upon mentioning Moonfrost Union. “I heard they captured my workers and sold them to slavers?”

Felicia was equally furious about what had happened to Greya’s restaurant.

Because of the lack of alchemists, many wizards could no longer afford powerful potions, so they set their eyes upon Gourmet Wizards instead.

Gourmet Wizards did not have a leader strong enough to protect them. Greya was capable enough in terms of strength, but she could only take care of her own restaurant.

With her gone, her workers all lost their sanctuary and fell into greedy hands.

“Several ran back to Candy House...” Felicia replied in a small voice. “But most were taken away.”

Several veins pulsed on Greya’s forehead. “A*sholes! They promised to look after my shop when I’m gone. That’s how they kept their words?!”

Felicia put a hand on Greya’s shoulder. “Take it easy now. We have to face it. Moonfrost Union isn’t the only organization that joined the hunt. You rest up and recover as fast as you can. We still need you to guide us.”

To Felicia, it wasn’t hard to rescue Greya’s gourmet apprentices. She did not because she didn’t really care about them as an outsider. And Greya fully understood Felicia’s choice.

But to Greya, her workers had been helping her with the restaurant for decades. She was really sad to see her old friends meeting such a sorrowful fate.

Felicia saw Greya still sulking and tried to say something else, “Remember that little fat boy you introduced to me last time? He’s pretty good. His barbecue sided with my wine is now a pretty famous dish in my tavern. He’s already better than most apprentices of the same age. Maybe even richer than some wizards.”

It took Greya a moment to realize who Felicia was talking about. “Alan, right? He’s actually talented?”

Alan was a potential gourmet apprentice Greya accidentally found on The Redbud. She sent the boy to Candy House since she planned to leave the wizarding world by then.

When thinking about Alan, Greya quickly remembered another young man in her memory. She wondered if that adorable little gentleman and her beloved baby were doing well right now.

Felicia took out a small casket. “The wine’s going to wear off now. Try to consume these Soul Orbs and see how the blending is going.”

Greya looked at the glowing orbs and moaned, “If I make it back, what about the soul of the girl?”

“Shall we get her another body?”

“I guess we have to... This body isn’t that good. I don’t know how long it will take for me to reach my original level. I really hope I can get my old body back... yet it’s lost in Nightmare Realm. No no no, I’m not going into that hellish sh*thole again. Even if I want, I don’t know how to get in for a second time.”

While speaking, Greya slowly swallowed the Soul Orbs.

Greya managed to escape the Nightmare Realm, at the cost of losing her body and a good amount of her soul strength. She needed the Soul Orbs produced by the Soul Genesis Garden to heal. This was the reason why Felicia took her to Dark Castle as a temporary residence.

Greya felt her soul being repaired just a little bit, and she then rested on a couch. Soon, the “real owner” of this body would wake up again.

Before Greya’s consciousness faded away, she asked something else, “I saw you using your Butterfly Spirit power just now. Did your enemies chase all the way here?”

“Nah,” Felicia shook her head and said, “it’s just a young apprentice who broke into Dark Castle. He got some interesting skills. I sensed intruders, but I couldn’t find him anywhere until I used my Butterfly Spirit.”

“Apprentice? An apprentice snuck into Dark Castle? Well, he’s gonna become another human shower spray,” Greya said and made a face.

“He looks too young. But, you already heard, it’s a ‘he’. I don’t think they are interested in a young boy’s blood,” Felicia snickered. “He’s probably here to help Diablo. That too is a good one. Too bad he belongs to Puppet Master.”

Felicia didn’t look at Greya while speaking, and she failed to notice that Greya’s eyes were showing the pure innocence of a tiny girl again.

“Those illusions and invisibility tricks are interesting though. They remind me of Mister Phantom. You know him, right? You should check out—” Felicia moved her crystal ball closer to Greya, only to see “Greya” blinking at her with puppy-doll eyes.

“Hey sis, can I have some more of that green drink?”


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