Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 452 - Strength Gap

Chapter 452: Strength Gap

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Right in front of the machine tower, several dark shadows were swirling about.

A Nightmare covered in dark flames howled toward the sky and released black ripples into the environment.

The ripples reached a pair of ladies with blond hair and blue eyes, who immediately vomited blood.

Bogula had just barely escaped from the attack by using Void Shift, and he couldn’t do it again any time soon. He could only use other defensive spells to survive. However, when faced against the Nightmare’s attacks, his spells were fragile like paper.

Another surge of black flame easily sent Bogula flying, who then crashed on the ground like a stone.

Thud, thud...

Bogula looked up and saw Sunders’ black leather boots... and a pair of emotionless eyes.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye. Both Sunders and Bogula were level-2 wizards, but while one of them was already a truth-finder, the other was only around its door. Bogula was pressed into absolute disadvantage without any chance of fighting back.

Such was the uncrossable strength gap between them.

The onlookers shivered again when they realized that Sunders hadn’t used any illusions yet. Bogula, the biggest hope of Floating Mech City, who was very likely to become a truth finder in the near future, wasn’t good enough to be considered a mere threat in Sunders’ eyes.

“Now speak. You have one last chance,” Sunders said in his usual calm tone. No one could tell the man’s true mood.

“Jajaja... I made him into a puppet. So what?” “Puppet Master” Bogula coughed up some blood. “Kill me if you can.”

Sunders kept his gaze on Bogula and slowly began to gather mana. Even if what Bogula said was true, he could kill Bogula and free Angor’s soul.

“Think clearly, Sunders! Don’t let your rage judge for you.” Kanter’s voice breached the violent energy and reached Sunders’ ears. It was clear that the old man genuinely meant to warn his friend.

Sunders also knew that it wasn’t wise to murder Bogula at the center of Floating Mech City. He already sensed there was a large-scale weapon aiming right at him. The moment he unleashed the killing blow to Bogula, something devastating would happen to him as well.

He was confident that his “Black Tower” Nightmare Domain could help him escape, but his action would cause Floating Mech City to turn hostile against Brute Cavern. Killing Bogula wasn’t worthwhile just because of an apprentice who MIGHT be dead.

But putting all reasons aside, Sunders couldn’t help but feel offended.

The gentleman felt an unknown fury building up inside his mind, and he didn’t know why. While unaware, he began to value Angor’s future to such an extent that he connected his own future with the boy’s. Ever since Sunders learned that Angor might be “someone important” in Nightmare Realm, he had established a series of bold plans during which he would uncover the mysteries hidden in that place while taking advantage of Angor’s gift.

And now, someone took Angor away from him. He had all the reason to get angry.

“If you want Bogula dead, you can wait until he’s outside the city!” Kanter was still trying to persuade Sunders.

Floating Mech City was a neutral wizard organization famous for its alchemy skills, but this didn’t mean the city couldn’t fight. While it was true that most alchemists didn’t possess many combat skills, there were still powerful wizards who were drawn to them, including figures as strong as Sunders himself.

“Mister Phantom... If something’s on your mind, why don’t we sit down and talk? Maybe we can find a moderate solution.” A cold, emotionless voice was heard behind everyone as if a robot just talked to them.

Sunders didn’t have to look around to recognize that voice. It was “Neo Beast” Lawson, one of the two city masters. Lawson was always in charge of managing the upper side of the city.

“I can talk or let him go, as long as he returns my student to me,” Sunders answered in a calm voice.

Everyone including Bogula was surprised to hear about this. Earlier, Sunders came to Bogula and directly requested for him to hand Angor over. Since Bogula was not someone who would listen to orders, they simply began to fight. Until now, Bogula had no idea what the blond boy meant to Sunders.

Kanter also failed to assume much even though he saw Angor’s image in Precision Sky magazine.

That boy is Sunder’s student?!

All the onlooking wizards began to discuss. It was the first time in history that Sunders actually stood up to protect one of his students. Most people knew how Sunders cast a cold shoulder to Flora when the witch was in peril. They were really curious about why a boy would cause Sunders to act so differently.

“Bogula, Mister Phantom requested so. What say you?” Lawson decided to be the judge since he was the highest manager of the district.

“Jajaja! That small apprentice already became a magic puppet. Do you want to see him? Do you? I replaced his ears with those of a Fanning Beast and changed his skin into the gluey husk of an Emerald Frog. You won’t recognize him anyway!”

Bogula’s ego wouldn’t allow him to back down, and it only meant worse when he was on the losing side. He had decided to give up his life if it meant defending his dignity.

As Sunders grew more and more furious at those words, his shadow suddenly began to glow with a red light. He then lifted a hand and began to cover the surrounding area with violent magic full of killing intent.

Before “Neo Beast” Lawson could try to intervene again, Kanter spoke first.

“Sunders, your shadow. It’s happening again.”

Sunders’ irises shrank. The gentleman quickly recollected his senses and canceled the building spell. However, in the last second before the glowing shadow disappeared, he heard someone laughing in an evil voice.

“He’s getting out by all means...”

Sunders planned to wait until Angor became a wizard to solve his personal problem, but if Angor were...

Seeing Sunders motionless, Bogula continued to taunt the gentleman by describing how he processed Angor’s body in various ways.

“His limbs are horse hooves now.

“I snatched his heart and stuff the core of a rotten ghoul inside.

“Even his soul is completely obliterated!”

Sunders suddenly smiled at something. “You’re lying. You can’t do that.”

Anyone might be able to harm Angor’s body, but it was very difficult for people to meddle with the boy’s soul. If something did happen to Angor’s soul, that “queen” would have done something by now.

Bogula was shocked when his lie was seen through. Did the boy hide something else on his body?

The obvious doubtful expression on Bogula’s face further confirmed it for Sunders. Previously, Sunders thought Bogula was lying about Angor’s soul, but now, he believed that Angor might actually be totally unharmed.

Sunders deployed a simple illusion to trap Bogula before he turned around to address “Neo Beast” Lawson.

Lawson was a young-looking male wizard with a serious expression. He was wearing a long, hooded robe with black runes drawn on it. He didn’t look like much on the first look, but Sunders knew what it meant to have 80% of one’s body replaced with machinery.

“Take me to his place. Now I want to see how my ‘puppet-fied’ student really looks like,” Sunders said to Lawson.

Lawson checked Bogula’s position and realized he’d have a hard time breaking Sunders’ illusion. At the same time, he could sense that the illusion wasn’t there to harm anyone. Sunders’ intention was clear to see.

“Alright then.”

Taking one step back wouldn’t hurt much as long as he could prevent a war from breaking out in the middle of his city.

Before they left, another energy signature that was obviously weaker than them suddenly arrived.

Lawson frowned at the familiar presence. It was the student of his old friend Mithra, “Mad Bear” Sabot. He wondered why Sabot barged in even though he already ordered people to keep everyone outside.

“Please wait, Mister Phantom!!”

The first thing that drew Sabot’s attention was Bogula, who was trapped inside an illusion while carrying a number of wounds on his body.

I was only out to deal with some street fight and something happened!

Sabot was extremely stressful for failing his mentor’s request.

“Angor’s fine! Bogula didn’t do anything to him!” Sabot rushed to Sunders and bowed down. “And it’s good to see you again, Mister Phantom.”

Sunders raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Yes! My mentor brought Angor to Elixir Hut. They’re talking about alchemy knowledge right this moment. The boy’s healthy and well. Please don’t be too harsh on Bogula.”

Sunders checked. It seemed Sabot chose to open up his mind so that anyone could sense the truthfulness of his words.

Next, Sunders nodded and looked at Lawson. “Looks like we don’t have to waste your precious time, Mister Neo Beast.”

Lawson also sighed in relief in his mind. “It’s okay.”

“Take me to Angor then,” Sunders said as he turned to face Sabot.

When he saw Sabot fumbling with words, Sunders added something, “Bogula’s not in danger. The illusion will disappear by itself once I make sure Angor’s safe.”

Sabot looked at Lawson, who nodded to reassure him, and finally agreed. “Okay. Do follow me please.”

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