Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 454 - Reunion

Chapter 454: Reunion

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

When looking from inside the hut, the figure’s face was all dark. But those eyes still showed a fiery spirit.

Black gentleman suit, white gloves, black walking cane, and a shiny ear piercing... To Angor, everything suggested the name of his teacher.

Angor still had a piece of half-bitten cheese bread in his mouth. The sudden appearance of his professor startled him for good, causing him to drop his snack on the floor.

In fact, Angor didn’t feel much since they were only apart for half a year. However, he was still surprised because he never thought he’d run into Sunders in Floating Mech City.

“What, have you forgotten about me already?” the visitor asked in his usual hoarse voice which seemed a bit joyful for some reason.


Mithra and Yeliya looked at each other and made sure they both understood the situation before Mithra addressed the new guest with a smile. “It’s an honor to have you here, Mister Phantom. I was planning to go visit you on my own.”

Sabot showed up outside the door as well. The man greeted Mithra with a look of great relief.

From Sabot’s expression, Mithra noticed that something else happened. Still, he didn’t ask right away. “Will you come inside, Mister Phantom? We can talk if something is on your mind.”

Angor, on the other hand, slowly realized the situation. So Mithra has been friendly to me because he knows Sunders will come looking for me soon?

“Greetings, ‘Elixir of Miracle’, Master Mithra. I think I’ll pass this chance. I’ve been searching for Angor for some time, and I need to talk with him first. Urgently.”

Sunders said these to express his attitude toward Angor in front of Mithra, as well as all wizards who were interested in the matter.

“In that case, I’ll not keep Angor from you.” Mithra looked at Angor with the same kind smile. “And Angor, what I said earlier still stands. The Elixir Hut and my library will be open for you at all times. You’re welcome to chat with me at any time.”

Angor thanked the old alchemist politely. No matter what the old man planned, the knowledge he learned today was real.

“According to Mad Bear, you’ve been giving my student alchemy lessons?” Sunders asked.

“Yes, and I’m glad to see Angor’s exceptional talent at it. It’s only a matter of time for the boy to become another master alchemist. A Mystery wielder, even. And plus, I also learned something from Angor in return.”

Mithra’s words sounded like a modest courtesy, but the other wizards all noticed that Mithra’s complimentary words for Angor were also true.

Sunders also smiled in contentment. He wished Mithra could say so.

Sunders already sensed hundreds of inspective traces fixed on Elixir Hut, including ones from very powerful wizards. The two city masters also had their attention on this small house.

Sunders asked the previous question to show his will to shield Angor to those who were listening, especially the city masters, so that they would think carefully about Angor’s value before opening the purification garden to apprentices.

But at the same time, Sunders knew his claim could cause trouble. As the “killing machine from the south”, he had earned countless enemies. These people might be powerless against him, but they certainly could do an easy job killing Angor. Before today, Sunders’ enemies probably wouldn’t do anything to his students since the gentleman never cared about their life and death. Now, since Sunders openly expressed his concerns about Angor, it might attract unwanted adversary to the boy.

When Sunders asked Mithra’s opinion on Angor, Mithra quickly understood the situation and expressed what he thought about Angor.

Great alchemy talent, future master alchemist, and a possible Mystery wielder.

Now, anyone who wanted to harm Angor would first consider the boy’s potential. Sunders’ old enemies did not have a personal grudge against the boy. To them, getting to know a future master alchemist always came better than trying to kill him.

With a smart conversation, Sunders and Mithra solved many hidden problems.

Meanwhile, Sunders would gladly return Mithra’s favor by forgiving Bogula’s “crimes”.

“Let’s go. I have lots of things to ask,” Sunders said as he beckoned Angor.

Angor scratched his head, thanked the old couple, and joined his professor.

Sunders was also content with Angor’s manner. Now everyone could see that Angor was a moderate “academism” apprentice, which meant one less reason for certain people to hunt him down.

As Angor approached, Sunders quickly sensed the smell of milk coming from the boy and glanced at the cheese bread left on the floor.

This adventure didn’t remove his love for milk in the least...

The teacher and student had barely walked away from Elixir Hut when a red vortex suddenly blocked their path.

Next, a giant fist descended from the sky and slammed at their position.

Sunders leaped back while dragging Angor’s collar. Angor’s body barely avoided the coming fist. The attack created a giant crater in the ground that was soon filled up by underground water.

Angor’s face went pale when he felt the deadly object grazing past his nose. He would surely die without Sunders there to help him.

While Angor was still recovering from his shock, the vortex slowly dissipated, leaving a figure with bright red hair and violet soft armor behind.

“Bogula.” Sunders grinned and said, “I just decided to spare you, but I see you would disagree.”

“Jajaja... I don’t need your mercy. It’s either you or me—”


A young man in black robe materialized behind Bogula’s back and knocked the man’s head.

“I apologize for Bogula’s misbehavior, Mister Phantom.”

Angor looked up and checked the new visitor who just spoke in the same, emotionless tone like a Rune Monitor. He also noticed obvious metal junctions from where the man’s ankles and wrists were exposed. It appeared the young man was more of a machine than a human.

“Mister Neo Beast...” Sunders noticed Mithra walking outside to observe as well. Combining the situations he saw until now, he knew Bogula didn’t do anything to Angor’s health. “I see. I’ll let it pass this time.”

“Let me go, Lawson!” Bogula screamed madly.

Lawson didn’t mind him. He kept suppressing Bogula’s movement while asking Sunders to leave.

Bogula watched Sunders disappearing with Angor and grew quiet all of a sudden.

“I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to the Sonance Abysm.”

“You sure? Even I may not make it out alive,” Lawson said in a small voice that only Bogula could hear this time.

“Yes, I must go.” Bogula was still gazing at where Sunders left with a vengeful look.

“Alright.” Lawson grinned without saying anything further. It seemed he already expected Bogula to do so.

Meanwhile, Sunders had taken Angor to his temporary residence in the city—a nobleman’s manor with trees and flower gardens, which was far away from the steel and concrete of the city center.

A Rune Monitor working as the butler of the house greeted Sunders. “Welcome home, Master. It has been 33 years since your last visit. Number One misses you.”

Sunders pointed at Angor. “Number One, set him as the secondary administrator of the manor.”

The machine butler’s screen flashed something that scanned Angor’s body. After asking Angor for some basic information, the metal eye hovered in front of Angor’s face. “Number One at your service, Mister Padt.”

“Take us to the study,” said Sunders.

While following the strange butler, Sunders explained something to Angor.

“When I traveled to this city a hundred years ago, I bought this place as a small base. This is Number One, the butler and manager of the manor. It’s in charge of all the chores. Just ask if you need something done.”

A hundred years ago, Sunders came to Floating Mech City seeking alchemy knowledge as well. However, the hard truth soon discouraged him from keeping up with that particularly difficult subject. It was soon proved that he didn’t possess any talent for alchemy, so he gave up after insisting for 20 years.

Of course, Sunders didn’t wish to mention his sad history to Angor. He only claimed that the house was a dwelling during long travels.

As they entered the manor’s study, before Angor could say something, Sunders tapped him with a finger, which caused them to vanish and reappear inside another study room that had no walls and ceiling.

They were standing under a clear, blue sky while surrounded by a number of bookshelves full of tomes. The air smelled like flowers while the occasional beast howls could be heard in the distance.

“This is the Garden of Gravity,” Sunders said while Angor was still looking around in bewilderment.

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