Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 694 - Secret Infighting

Chapter 694: Secret Infighting

Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

The world had continued to revolve while I was having my “vacation” at the elemental battlefield.

The battle against the undead in inland Eich had mysteriously slowed down. Although the Undead Calamity still continued, they had greatly slowed down the amount of their attacks. Rumors even started spreading that there was internal discord within the undead army.

The revived Ogre Empire 1 had also kept strangely silent after they shattered the Holy Church’s defense lines. The Ogre Empire hadn’t invaded the humans with all they had as was expected, which was somewhat confusing.

For this moment, the wars going on in Eich achieved a temporary balance. The Gods high up were paying attention, and the mortals of Eich were waiting. Everyone wanted to see which species would upset the fragile balance first and attack the humans.

Being the first to attack didn’t mean that you would gain the most. It was far more likely that the first to attack would receive the most powerful counterattack and suffer the most. Even though the wars on the land had achieved a relative balance for now, everyone knew that such days wouldn’t last for long... It was destined that there would eventually only be one ruling species in this world.

Meanwhile, in the distant Northlands, the stormy situation remained unclear. The aftermath of the assassination attempts against Roland and Elven Empress Harloys was still ongoing, and the furious Mist Kingdom’s and Elven Empire’s allied armies demanded justice from the moon elves. In front of overwhelming military pressure, the moon elf kingdoms sunk into utter chaos, blaming each other and trying to find the “culprit”, wasting the little time they had left.

When the Mist Alliance armies entered the moon elves’ cities, the Mist Alliance didn’t show magnanimity like before. It was rather the opposite. Several hundred moon elf nobles were hanged on their own city walls every day. At first, signs would be put on the dead moon elves’ necks, saying “traitor”, “betrayal”, and so on, but a few days later, even such signs were no longer made. Every day, rows upon rows of moon elf nobles were hanged on the moon elves’ very own city walls.

All moon elf government officials and organizations loyal to the previous generation moon elf kingdom were eliminated from the very roots. All old nobles were completely cleansed. In the future Elven Empire ruled by only one Elven Empress, such moon elves with special authority weren’t necessary existences.

And in the south, the Northern Divine Battlefront Alliance was tightening its grip on the Mist Alliance’s southern border even further.

“...They still want to have internal battles at such a time? This is the vice of humanity. Those guys from the Holy Church are far too narrow-minded...”

“You’re pretty much the same. Aren’t you also digging pitfalls for the Holy Church?”

I could only helplessly shake my head. If I had a choice, I really would be willing to let bygones be bygones and truly work together with the Holy Church. This was because the future would only become harsher and harsher. But even though this was the truth, it was likely that nobody would believe me if I said it.

“Temporary Mist Alliance member countries on a trial period. As expected of you, coming up with something like this. The Holy Church will probably be so angry. They spent so much effort on trying to blockade the Mist Alliance, but still managed to leave an opening...”

“It’s long past the generation of black-and-white political thinking. At such a time, a new ally who changes to follow the strongest faction is more useful than an ironclad ally.”

The Soen Dukedom and Feldis Kingdom, as previously mentioned, had requested us of their own volition to join the Mist Alliance so that they wouldn’t become cannon fodder in the Holy Church’s campaign against the Mist Alliance.

But if they were formally admitted to the Mist Alliance at that time, it would be the equivalent of putting the Holy Church and Mist Alliance’s enmity for each other out in the open for all to see. Not only would the Mist Alliance have to modify all of its border defense plans to incorporate the two new member countries’ borders, which would be a heavy responsibility, it was also likely that there would be quite a few kings in the south of the Northlands who had trouble sleeping at night due to being on the border with the members of the “Northern Divine Battlefront Alliance”.

This would be the equivalent of having a tiger sleeping in your bed next to you. Even if the tiger told you that he wasn’t a carnivore, would you believe him? At that time, the Holy Church could easily spread some propaganda and transform the Northern Divine Battlefront Alliance into the Anti-Mist Alliance Alliance.

It would have obviously been foolish to accept those two countries into the Mist Alliance. Without even mentioning the lengthening of our logistical supply lines, such an action would have transformed potential future human allies who had no conflicts with us into enemies. That would be far too much of a loss.

This was also the Holy Church’s objective. They didn’t need to actually do anything to the Mist Alliance. They simply wanted to cause friction between the Mist Alliance and other countries so that we couldn’t develop as we pleased.

My response was to give the Soen Dukedom and Feldis Kingdom a lower-level (candidate) membership (which I created on the spot). They wouldn’t need to follow everything that the Mist Alliance did, but would be able to receive the Mist Alliance’s assistance when it was necessary. However, the Mist Alliance didn’t absolutely need to send military reinforcements.

This was obviously an unreliable agreement. However, this contract was something that both sides were really happy with. The Soen Dukedom and Feldis Kingdom could retain their independence, and if the Holy Church pressured them too much, they could ask for help from us.

In fact, the Soen Dukedom and Feldis Kingdom were even welcome to join and become member countries of the “Northern Divine Battlefront Alliance”. Of course, without any other restrictions, both alliances would be in effect simultaneously. Even though the Holy Church would have achieved a “blockade” against us, there would still be an opening for the Mist Alliance, making the blockade meaningless.

And if the Northern Divine Battlefront Alliance tried to force the Soen Dukedom and Feldis Kingdom to truly blockade us, the Mist Alliance would definitely send military reinforcements. Who was in the right or wrong then would be obvious for all to see.

Was such an alliance—with them being “candidates” to join our alliance—a reliable alliance? Not at all, but shared mutual benefits would make this alliance incredibly effective. Perhaps this was only a political word game, but this was far more effective than anything more direct. That was because there were concrete shared benefits between us. The two member countries needed their independence as well as a bigger faction to support them, while the Mist Alliance needed a supply line in the south.

The political alliances in this world were still at the level of my original world’s Middle Ages. Things were quite direct here. Either an alliance would work, or it wouldn’t. However, strange alliances that were incredibly solid due to shared benefits was an idea I had obtained from examples in my original world.

Of course, while ideas were wonderful, there would always be all sorts of unexpected things in reality.

The political situation in the Feldis Kingdom had recently become unstable. The loyal believers of the Holy Church were beginning to host private gatherings, while the domain lords who worshipped the Holy Light were beginning to accuse the Feldis royalty of improper governmental management...

“I can already guess the upcoming developments. The royalty will definitely meet with unexpected incidents and all die, while the citizens will encourage a domain lord affiliated with the Holy Church to declare himself king, and then the whole country begins to convert to worshiping the Holy Church. The Holy Church is way too familiar with playing this old trick.”

“...And you intend to just sit back and allow all this to happen?”

“Of course not. Although this is happening in another country, we still need to fight for our voice in the propaganda war. We’ve already sent out our scouts and spies. The Mist Alliance sent a thousand-person elite squad of spies in one go. Right now, the Holy Church and our spies are probably locked in bitter battle over there. Right, the Church of Law also sent out an elite squad—we can’t fall behind the Holy Church in converting people to our religion.”

Both sides’ spies were locked in a bitter battle in a third country for the sake of their own faction’s benefits. And even if they were dying, they wouldn’t be willing to expose their identities as spies. This all felt more and more like a scene out of a major spy movie.

Yet, my revenge against the Holy Church was only beginning.

“Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask, but what have you been writing recently? ‘Words from Estrada’? Just what is this?”

“...What would possibly hurt a church more than a large internal fracture caused by differences in religious beliefs? Actually, in my opinion, Estrada far more deserves the title of Lord of Holy Light compared to Karolan.”

“...So you’re trying to start a cult to weaken belief in the Holy Church?”

“Yep, a cult with a True God at the head. Don’t you feel that would be interesting?”

“I don’t think that Estrada would agree...”

“He’s already busy being a God in Hell. So what if he doesn’t agree? Is he gonna come here and bite me?”

Actually, I had always held such an attitude towards the Gods. They were already busy being idols up above in the skies, so why would they interfere in mortal affairs?

I did my very best to recall Estrada’s words, but could only remember the embarrassing fact that I was always slacking off during class while he was teaching me. So, I could only helplessly begin to make up quotes on Estrada’s behalf.

“Tsk, others just make up their seniors’ quotes as well, so it shouldn’t bother anyone that I’m doing the same. Yep, yep, Estrada said, ‘The God of Holy Light is an idiot. Come bite me if you have the ability to!’”

“...I think that Estrada really will come over and bite you instead.”

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