Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 363 - Trying To Register In The Tamers Guild!


She frantically rushed upstairs, screaming to the Guild Master to come down greet Ervas and Veronica as if her life depended on it.

At first, Ervas and Veronica seemed confused, until Percy explained to them what just happened.

"Sigh… It happened just what I feared…" sighed Percy.

"Eh? What?" asked Ervas.

"Well… it seems that although Willian told you to just show the cards… they are very rare, perhaps only the highest and richest of aristocrats have it… so it will cause a lot of commotion, as it means that they might confuse my lords with high aristocrats with a lot of authority…" said Percy.

"Oh…" said Ervas and Veronica at the same time.

It seemed that in Seashore Town, VIP Merchant Guild Member Cards had a different weight than other guild cards.

This was due to the immense wealth needed for a person to even acquire such a card, which Willian did not give away as easily as he did with Ervas and Veronica.

"Does this means that they will treat us like royalty or something?" asked Veronica.

"Not as exaggerated… but it seems like very rich merchants are equal to royalty in this small nation dominated by them… And because the VIP Merchant Card is always carried by those types of people… they might indeed think of you two as such people with high authority…" said Percy.

"Well that\'s better for us, we can just get what we want swiftly!" said Veronica.

"Yeah, let\'s pretend to be like that then, not like we couldn\'t make a fortune if we simply were to sell more ores anyways," said Ervas while shrugging.

"Y-Yeah… but still… my lords… you must keep authenticity…" said Percy.

"I suppose it is fine as it is, Percy, don\'t overthink it," said Jason.

"Lord Jason, I don\'t think you know about this enough to say such a thing…" said Percy.

"Oi, are you telling that Jason is ignorant?" asked Anna.

"AH! N-No… you misunderstand, lady Anna!" said Percy.

"D-Don\'t get angry please, it\'s all fine. I am indeed ignorant, but let us trust my son and Veronica," said Jason.

"…Alright," sighed Percy.

"Thanks, Dad," said Ervas with a mild smile.

"Leave it to us!" said Veronica.

Meanwhile, Catanya darted inside of the Tamer Guild Master\'s room, almost breaking apart the door!


"C-CATANYA?! What is the meaning of this?! Relax a little bit, girl!" said Doragon, the Guild Master of the Tamer Guild.

He was not a human, elf, or dwarf.

Doragon Drake was one of the few aristocrats of Seashore Town that was not a human, elf, or dwarf.

Although his appearance was mildly like a brown-skinned human with glossy skin, glowing golden eyes, and long black hair, he had black scales growing over his hands, and his nails were reptilian claws, large and strong.

His entire build was quite muscular compared to a normal aristocrat, and he also had large claws and talons on his feet, so he could not wear formal clothes with shoes.

On his back, he had long draconic wings, which were folded, and atop his head, he had large golden horns that formed a beautiful crown.

Alongside his handsomeness, he had several golden tattoos across his body, and he wore formal clothes originally from his tribe, which resembled a black dress.

If it were not because of his beautiful muscles and very manly aura, people would confuse him for a woman due to his feminine beauty.

"Doragon-sama! S-Someone wants to join the guild!!!" said Catanya.

"Sigh… Catanya, I know we don\'t get new members too often, but you don\'t have to make such a big ruckus-"

"They have VIP Merchant Guild Member Cards!" said Catanya.

"I see, well, still, even then, you shouldn\'t- WHAT?!" asked Doragon in surprise, falling off his chair!


"Doragon-sama, hang in there!" cried Catanya, running towards the surprised Dragon-kin man.

"I-I\'m fine… It is just… People with those cards are just filthy rich! Why would they even want to join our little guild?" wondered Doragon, standing up and cleaning his tribal clothes.

"I-I don\'t really know! But they really want to join! They even bought their pets… D-Do I call them upstairs?" asked Catanya.

"T-They have pets…? I guess… Y-Yes, please, be gentle with them," said Doragon.

"Alright!" said Catanya, darting away from the office as Doragon quickly sat down once more, trying to cope with what was about to happen, his whole reputation as an aristocrat was now in danger if he even dared to enrage or frustrate these people… he would be done for!

As a Dragon-kin, a demi-human race that was very rarely an aristocrat, he held into an authority more fragile than humans, elves, or dwarves.

Even in such a place as Seashore, aristocrats did not like how races other than theirs could be aristocrats of their same kind, and would often try to do anything they could to ruin non-human, -non-elven, and non-dwarven aristocrats.

After all, even in this place, there was some kind of supremacy between the aristocrats, and seeing people from these minorities raising to their same ranks made them fear that one day they could overtake them.

However, Doragon was completely wrong, and he was about to be surprised by the people he would meet.

Catanya then quickly descended the stairs, politely yet nervously asking Ervas and Veronica to move upstairs.

"Lord Doragon is waiting for you upstairs…" she said while gasping for air.

"Oh nice, let\'s go upstairs then~," said Veronica.

"Alright," said Ervas, as he and Veronica walked upstairs while glancing at Catanya quickly run upstairs as well.

Catanya was wearing a suit similar to those maid outfits inside of the Merchant Guild, and her skirt was rather high up her thighs, when she rushed upstairs, Ervas and Veronica could see her panties and the adorable cat tail coming from above her butt.

"Catgirls are really cute…" they thought at the same time, in their previous lives, they never had the chance to meet a full-fledged cute catgirl, at most, there were feline races of beast-kin in the Demon Continent, but not a normal cat-kin girl like Catanya, which was one of the dreams for any otaku that has ever read an Isekai novel or watched an Isekai anime!

However, this was not really the time to even think about that, as they quickly made those thoughts fly away and reached Doragon\'s office.

Doragon greeted them with a bright and forced smile, raising his arms as he immediately offered a very high-quality tea and snacks to his guests.

"Welcome, my lords! It is the utmost pleasure to meet you… two?" asked Doragon, as he opened his eyes and noticed that Ervas and Veronica were clearly not human, nor elves, nor dwarves.

"(Pale white skin… crimson eyes… but can walk on the day? Dhampir? But the boy there… he has a horn and wolf-like ears…? Maybe a hybrid Dhampir… Wait, so they have VIP Merchant Guild Member Cards and are not human, elves, or dwarves?!)" thought Doragon, as his eyes widened in shock.

Doragon had investigated very well those that possessed VIP Merchant Guild Member Cards before, but he recalled that not a single one of them was a race aside from human, elf, and dwarf.

Yet… here they were.

Ervas and Veronica were clearly not pure humans, nor a pure elf, nor a pure dwarf!

"What is this…?! You\'re not… human, elf, or dwarven?" asked Doragon rather impolitely.

"Eh? No?" asked Veronica, sitting in front of him as she sipped some tea and ate cookies.

"Oh they\'re nice," she said rather carefreely.

"We are Dhampirs. I am Ervas Igni, and she is Veronica Igni, my elder sister," said Ervas.

"Yeah! We are from the Igni Family," said Veronica.

"Igni… Family? I have… never heard of such an aristocratic family before… Have you come from afar?" asked Doragon rather interested.

"Oh yeah, we came from pretty far away, from the center of the continent," said Veronica.

"The center of the continent- Eh?! Isn\'t it in that place where Bestellen Church Extremist reside? I\'ve heard that they hunt and kill any race that is not human, elf, or dwarf… It must have been a rough journey…" said Doragon rather compassionately.

"Not at all, it was rather swift," said Ervas.

"Is that… so?" asked Doragon confusedly.

"Yeah, anyways, here are our cards, we want to register as members of your guild… Interesting, you\'re a Dragon-kin... We haven\'t seen your kin around here, I am glad that there are aristocrats that are not just humans," said Veronica.

"Humans…? Oh yeah! I see... Yes, indeed, I am one of the few that it is not a human, elf, or dwarf… And registering? C-Can I see your card a bit more… closer?" asked Doragon.

"(There\'s no way that a family coming from the outside would get a VIP Merchant Guild Member Card like this! Maybe it is fake, and they are trying to scam me? I have to check it with my Item Inspection Skill!)" thought Doragon, using the unique skill that has managed to let him get all the way up in the aristocracy rankings, and what made him a popular merchant despite his race, the Item Inspection Skill, a miraculous Unique Skill which he was blessed with at birth!

With such skill, he can discern immediately the authenticity of an item, discern their properties, value, materials it was made of, and even their hidden capabilities and magic capacity!

"Oh, sure thing," said Ervas as Veronica nodded, showing Doragon their VIP Cards closely.

"Item Inspection!" said Doragon.


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