Re: Level 100 Farmer

Chapter 218 - Spellcraft

"Then let\'s get to the spell itself," said Li.

"An acceptable proposition," said the clone.

There was a bit of a pause which Li broke by asking, "So, how does this work?"

The clone balanced the droplet of black water between his palms and looked at it, its shadowed face flickering with intent. The droplet shimmered and flickered like a hazy mirage, and then gained color. Bright and changing colors – energy in pure flux.

"The power is ready for fashioning. I merely require your specifications."

"Well, obviously, the first step is something that can easily counter the demonrot," said Li.

"A fine first step. Direct immunity? Or a varying degree of resistance? The latter would require less magical energy to create."

"I\'d prefer direct immunity, honestly, but I can settle for strong resistance in some conditions to lower mana costs. As for conditions, let\'s say something like the farther away someone is from me, the less resistance there is? I could also pair that with my ability to plant totems, right?"

"All fine and reasonable considerations. And all done." A zap of green energy flashed from the clone\'s hands to the droplet, adding in Li\'s input. "Then the baseline rank of this spell would be B+ rank, degrading down to C+ provided maximal distance is enforced. Is this sufficient?"

"You know, this is starting to feel more and more like I\'m buying some kind of custom car rigged out," said Li. "Anyways, I think it\'s pretty sufficient, though I\'d also like for the spell to cure existing demonrot."

"If that comparison gives you comfortability, then certainly, I can comply." The clone\'s face flickered, and its clothing changed into a completely formal, modern suit from his past world. "And that addition will be…costly. A twofold spell that both provides resistances and cures, even in the rules you know for spells, that is rare."

"You are right. Spells with multi-effects at high ranks are rare, and they tend to have a premium cost. But I\'d be willing to pay for it," said Li. "My magical energy reserves are far higher than what they used to be, and I can draw upon the power of the forests and my followers to supply it as well."

"Very well. The rank of the spell rises to A."

"Let\'s make it area of effect as well," said Li, feeling like a rich customer ordering everything on the menu.

So far, though, he had not pulled out all the stops yet. He still had the ability to put down totems as an Elder Leshen that could extend the range of his buffs – something he had never had to do until now because he had worked alone for so long.

He also had so many more tools to restore his magical energy. He also would be willing to plant seeds from his personal collection that would aid with those needs as well. After all, the stops of laying low that had previously stopped him from going all out were getting increasingly thinner.

"Then the rank rises to A+," said the clone.

"That\'s an acceptable cost. How about we get to what the spell looks like. Its flavor details."

"I am listening. Go ahead."

"Let\'s make it convenient. Something that\'s easily noticeable and eye catching. A highly visible, glowing, healing aura. Maybe that will look a little too generic. But, if you are me, you have an idea of my preferences, right?"

"An idea."

"Then make the spell look impressive. Flashy. Inspiring. Something that people will flock to and recognize and burn into their memories as their saving grace."

"Done," replied the clone nearly immediately, adding in splotches of colored energy into the droplet, tinting its black hue lighter and more vibrant.

"Give me the spell," said Li. "I want to get a glimpse of it. See if I want any final alterations."

"As you wish." The clone gently pushed its hands forward, and the droplet floated towards Li.

He caught it in his hand, and knowledge and power flowed into his mind.

Spell: Roots of Order

Rank: A+

Cleansing light emanating from the roots of the Thousand Rooted One. In its presence, all effects and damage incurred by [eldritch] related spells are reversed and granted immunity while within the boundaries of the light. Units enjoy permanent immunity so long as they stay in proximity of the caster, but even when separated, units will still have varying degrees of resistance dependent on the level of separation.

The spell may be casted at various points and have its range extended or mana cost reduced by applicable spells.

"This looks good to me," said Li. "Mana cost is high, but not prohibitive, and so long as I\'m near my followers in the battlefield, nobody should have anything lower than immunity. A few totems in Riviera should protect the city as well."

"Then I should say the purpose for our meeting has now reached an end," said the clone as it stood up.

A portal opened up behind Li, and he stepped towards it, nodding a bit of thanks towards the clone, though it did feel quite strange, like he was nodding to his own reflection in the mirror.

"So do I just come here whenever I feel like I need something?" asked Li.

"In the foreseeable future, I do not believe there will be another reason for you to come into this realm."

"And getting here is all just the same? Link up to Kel\'thor, boot up a big portal, and here I am?"

"If you so desire, but unnecessary. Tell the lich that an entryway here may be established at another point personal to you. Such as the your shrine."

"Interesting. I thought this whole portal making process took a massive amount of energy. I\'m worried what it will do to my shrine and the surrounding forestland."

"The lich was highly mistaken about the nature of the portal. His thought process was valid. A gateway linked to an unfathomably distant area would require unfathomable amounts of power, hence the crystal. But that is unnecessary.

All that you require is a gateway and two points linking yourself. The power to forge the gateway itself will come from the Intermediary."

"The space between Inner and Outer. I\'d like an explanation on that as well."

"The Inner is conventional reality. Reality that you have been familiar with. All that is within the boundaries of the observable. Of the physical, the temporal. Of Order.

The Outer is space sealed beyond the Inner. All that is Chaos and entropy. Where the laws of order that comprise this reality find no purchase. Where all that you know now holds no weight. For now, you need not know of the Outer.

When the time comes, you will become familiar."

Li could sense there would be no further information that would come from further questioning, and he took that as a sign to leave. As he stepped towards the portal, he asked one final, unrelated question.

"By the way, how much time has passed above?"

"Very little. Consider that a gift." With that, the clone faded away, melding into the muted grayness of the world around it.

Li wondered what the entity felt. Whether it felt like it was giving a gift to itself just like how Li had the nagging sensation that, throughout this whole conversation, he was talking to himself, but then again, it did not seem like the two of them thought all that similarly despite how closely linked they were.

He sighed, remembering the feeling and power of the new spell added to his arsenal, and passed through the portal.

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