Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter Volume 15 4.6

Shi Min had always followed all of Princess Zhang Liu’s commands,despite the risks of some of the orders. After a long journey to Han Ruo, shenever would have expected the cold reception she received upon arrival.However, from what she has heard, the master of the Xiao Family was quite aneccentric character. The members of the group also were not people to provokeif one wanted to avoid danger. Is she considered things further, Duke Mingcould be said to be the richest person in the world, with wealth that surpasseseven the King’s. She had arrived late at night asking for an audience, ofcourse they would suspect her of having strange intentions.

Things had already occurred as they have, she could only wait and seewhat happens from now on.

After waiting restlessly for a long time within the room, the sound ofthe door being pushed open finally replaced the silence.

Shi Min instantly stood up.

Sure enough, Luo Ning had returned. In his hands was a silk cloth withwords written in ink that had yet to dry completely. The expression on his facewas also more serious than it was before he left. “The Young Lord is alreadyaware of the news you have brought. He appreciates Princess Zhang Liu’skindness. In the future, he will be more careful in regards to Prince Qing Li’smachinations. Also, he requests Shi Min xiaojiebring back this letter to the capital. Upon it is the seal of the Xiao Familyas proof of the Young Lord’s acknowledgment of the warning.”

Shi Min took the letter and examined it closely. The calligraphy waslively and bold, however the handwriting was a little bit ugly. On the letter,the words Feng Ming were written.

There was a chance the letter was drafted by a subordinate and signed byDuke Ming afterwards.

Shi Min had already expected the carelessness to be the extent of theirthanks the princess. The letter was most likely to express their understandingthat Qing Li’s evil deeds had nothing to do with Princess Zhang Liu.

The Xiao Family is not royalty, and the master of the group has alwaysbeen secretive. Shi Min who has spent her life within the palace by theprincess’ side would have little knowledge on how to distinguish between theseal of the Young Lord and the Xiao Family’s Assassins’.

Merely looking at the complex “Xiao” character and seeing the merchantship’s banner imprinted on the cloth was enough to make her believe in itsauthenticity. Putting the silk cloth away carefully, she suddenly asked, “DukeMing really doesn’t want to meet with me personally?”

“This kind of information absolutely cannot be leaked.” Luo Ninganswered coldly. “Han Ruo is a part of the Tong Kingdom’s territory, and QingZhang, along with Zhuang Pu’s men, are within the city. We do not know if anyof them may be Qing Li’s spies, after all, they are not our people. If you wereto meet with the Young Lord and any possible spy notices, danger would fallupon your princess.”

Listening to his speculation, Shi Min instantly felt some admirationtowards him.

This is a person worthy of being called the Xiao Family’s leader.

If this matterwere to somehow be leaked to outsiders, there will definitely be seriousconsequences. The first person to suffer misfortune would be my Princess, ZhangLiu. Prince Qing Li is currently being seduced by that demoness and has losthis mind. As each day passes, his hatred towards the princess increases. Evennow, he’s constantly trying to pick fights with her so he can later punish her.

If Prince Qing Li were to find out that the princess has sent someone towarn Duke Ming, he would immediately deem her as a traitor. There’s no tellingwhat he would do to them if he were angered. There’s no doubt whatever it iswould be terrifying.

As for Royal Uncle Qin Zhang, because of the fight between him and QingLi for the throne, Princess Zhang Liu, who is Qing Li’s wife, is also hated byhim.

Luo Ning observed her change of expression, confirming that she, who isthe princess’ personal maid, completely believed his words now. His plans tocontrol the information Shi Min had brought was succeeding accordingly. Withoutshowing an ounce of his ugly intentions, he continued to say, “A person who hasa close connection with the princess should not come in contact with the YoungLord. If anyone were to notice, suspicions would arise. If in the future, anynew information is available, there is no need to send someone in case anymishap occurs that would reveal our secrets.”


“If your side wishes to pass on any information, we have men locatedwithin the capital of Tong. You can search for their whereabouts and they willreport the information to us. After that, I will promptly inform the YoungLord.” Having said that, Luo Ning provided Shi Min with the contact info forthe men stationed in the capital.

By revealing such secret information, Shi Min was thoroughly convincedthat Luo Ning was telling the truth and decided to follow his method of passingon news.

After making sure she understood everything clearly, Luo Ning asked her,“If the Young Lord has news he needs to inform your side, how can we contactyou?”

Her admiration for the man once again resurfaced due to hisattentiveness and preparation.

Due to serving by the princess’ side for so long, Shi Min had becomeadaptable to many different types of circumstances. She has played her hands inmany situations, tasted plenty of delicious foods, participated in all kinds ofconversations, and observed all kinds of different behaviours. It can be saidthat she is an expert in guessing other’s intentions. Looking at the personbefore her, she could tell he had a lot on his plate to deal with. She hadjourneyed back and forth from place to place, but while she had faced manyfrightful situations, this man had encountered much worse than hers. Because ofthat, her expressions softened and she no longer acted so coldly.

“I usually leave the palace to buy things for the princess. Ourresidence in the capital has a maid that works near the back entrance. You canask her to bring your messages to Princess Zhang Liu’s personal maid, Shi Min.Just tell the informer to announce himself as my cousin, and I will later findan excuse to meet him outside.”

Luo Ning felt a bit odd listening to her use a gentle tone, glancing ather strangely, he nodded. “Understood. Shi Min xiaojie, please be on your way. Be careful on the road.”

Shi Min knew she could not linger here any longer. She firmly nodded herhead and fixed her veil, once again covering up her entire face except for herbeautiful eyes. Facing Luo Ning, she bid him farewell and turned to leave.

Finally she could feel at ease after completing the task. She hadsuccessfully delivered the princess’ letter and also acquired Duke Ming’s correspondence.

After sending Shi Min away, Luo Ning promptly wrote his own letter andstamped it with his seal. He called over someone he trusted and in a low voice,gave out an order. “Take this and immediately set out. Be sure to personallyhand this over to Lady Qian Qian.”

The bright moon slowly came out from behind the clouds, piercing throughthe dark curtain of the night.

Its soft light began to envelop the earth.


Sleeping in a silky quilt, separated from Rong Tian, Feng Ming sleptterribly. After a while, his body instinctively rolled around until it ended uptightly wrapped within Rong Tian’s embrace. Finally, with this artful skill ofhis, Feng Ming tranquilly curled up and slept soundly surrounded by Rong Tian’sfamiliar warmth.

Of course, the episode starring “Princess Zhang Liu and the MysteriousVisitor” would later become a significant event, however at this moment, ourYoung Lord was sleeping and snoring happily while weaving a beautifullyperverted dream in Rong Tian’s embrace. He had absolutely no inkling of theplot that had been designed for him.

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